Sarup vol. 2 og 3
498,00 kr. -
Marsk, land og bebyggelse
Ribeegnen gennem 10.000 år
Edited by Pauline Asingh Lene Lund Feveile Stig Jensen
448,00 kr. -
Viborg Søndersø 1000-1300
Byarkæologiske undersøgelser
Edited by Jesper Hjermind Mette Iversen Hans Krongaard Kristensen
395,00 kr. -
Illerup Ådal
8. Die Prachtausrüstungen, Grabungsdokumentation und Fundliste
One of the greatest accumulated finds of Roman military equipment ever has occurred in Denmark in the Illerup Ådal near the town of Skanderborg. It wa…
350,00 kr. -
Qala‘at al-Bahrain 2
The Central Monumental Buildings
Qala'at al-Bahrain is a tell in Bahrain. Excavations in 1953-1978 have focused on the area around the city wall and in the centre of the settlement. T…
348,00 kr. -
The Sarup Enclosures
Sarup vol. 1
In this book, the director of the Sarup excavation presents two large enclosures from the neolithic - about 3400 and 3200 BC, at Sarup on the island…
348,00 kr. -
From Stone to Bronze
The Metalwork of the late Neolithic and the Earliest Bronze Age in Denmark
This publication is a thorough and systematic study of the earliest metalwork in Denmark based on a comprehensive and very detailed catalogue of all c…
450,00 kr. -
Illerup Ådal
5-7. Die Prachtausrüstung
One of the greatest accumulated finds of Roman military equipment ever has occurred in Denmark in the Illerup Ådal near the town of Skanderborg. It wa…
1.225,00 kr. -
Slusegårdsgravpladsen 4
Keramikken. Tekstilerne. Skeletterne. De brændte knogler. Tænderne
275,00 kr. -
The Island of Umm-an-Nar
2. The Third Millennium Settlement
287,50 kr. -
En vestjysk landsby fra vikingetiden
Edited by Palle Eriksen Lise Bender Jørgensen
250,00 kr. -
Bopladskeramik i ældre bronzealder
187,50 kr.