Qala‘at al-Bahrain 1
The Northern City Wall and the Islamic Fortress
Edited by Flemming Højlund
450,00 kr. -
Illerup Ådal
3-4. Die Gürtel: Bestandteile und Zubehör
One of the greatest accumulated finds of Roman military equipment ever has occurred in Denmark in the Illerup Ådal near the town of Skanderborg. It wa…
825,00 kr. -
Høvdingesamfund og kongemagt
Fra stamme til stat i Danmark, 2
Edited by Peder Mortensen Birgit Rasmussen
325,00 kr. -
The Island of Umm-an-Nar
1. Third Millennium Graves
225,00 kr. -
The Maussolleion at Halikarnassos. Reports of the Danish Archaeological Expedition to Bodrum
3: 1-2. The Maussolleion Terrace and Accessory Structures
400,00 kr. -
Slusegårdsgravpladsen 3
Gravformer og gravskikke. Bådgravene
337,50 kr. -
Illerup Ådal
1-2. Die Lanzen und Speere
One of the greatest accumulated finds of Roman military equipment ever has occurred in Denmark in the Illerup Ådal near the town of Skanderborg. It wa…
700,00 kr. -
The Natufian Encampment at Beidha
Late Pleistocene Adaptation in the Southern Levant
Edited by Brian F. Byrd
Excavations at Beidha, 1
179,50 kr. -
Regionale forhold i Nordisk Bronzealder
5. Nordiske symposium for bronzealderforskning på Sandbjerg Slot 1987
Edited by Jens Poulsen
153,75 kr. -
Jernalderens stammesamfund
Fra stamme til stat i Danmark, 1
Edited by Peder Mortensen Birgit Rasmussen
248,00 kr. -
Multivariate Archaeology
Numerical Approaches in Scandinavian Archaeology
Edited by Torsten Madsen
128,00 kr. -
Billeder og myter fra bronzealderen
153,75 kr.