Ejsbøl Mose
Die Kriegsbeuteopfer im Moor von Ejsbøl aus dem späten 1.Jh.v.Chr. bis zum frühen 5 Jh.n.Chr.
A part of the series Jysk Arkæologisk Selskabs Skrifter (80) , and the subject area Archaeology
Translated by
Oliver Grimm
With contributions by
Charlie Christensen,
Arne Jouttijärvi,
Morten Fischer Mortensen,
Jörg Nowotny and
Ingrid Sørensen
More about the book
About the book
The book Ejsbøl Mose contains one of Denmark's finest war booty deposits from the Roman and Germanic Iron Age and, like Illerup Ådal, it has been investigated exclusively using modern methods. Finds from the site include iron weapons, i.e. swords, lances and spears, shields, equestrian equipment, personal effects, precious metals, boat rivets etc.
There have been two major excavations in the bog, in 1955-64 and 1997-99, resulting in the recovery of around 3000 artefacts ─ about 1500 in each case.
This volume presents a new typological, chronological, scientific and cultural-historical analysis of the finds from both campaigns, as well as an account of the finds from the 1997-99 excavation, complete with catalogue and plates.
Three phases of offering or deposition were identified, termed Ejsbøl 1, Ejsbøl 2 and Ejsbøl 3.
Ejsbøl 1 is a modest deposit of lances and shields etc. dating from around the birth of Christ.
Ejsbøl 2 is the largest deposit and dates from around AD 300. It includes a broad spectrum of weapons, personal items and equestrian equipment. It appears virtually complete in character, corresponding to a military force of about 150 men, with a ratio between cavalry and infantry of 1:10.
Ejsbøl 3 is also a large, diverse deposit, containing weapons and some magnificent accessories. It dates from the early 5th century AD.
The book concludes with a discussion of the military capability of the respective forces.
Table of contents
Publikationen und bisherige Forschungen
Neugrabungen in Ejsbøl in den Jahren 1997-99 ─ Ejsbøl Vest sowie Ejsbølgård Vest und Øst
Fundmaterial: Typen, Verbreitung und Datierung
Persönliche Ausstattungen
Gegenstände des Gefolges und weitere Objekte
Schiffs- und Bootsteile
Übrige Funde
Kriegsbeuteopfer im Moor von Ejsbøl ─ Schulssfolgerungen und Zusammenfassung
Analyse der Riemenbeschläge aus Ejsbøl
Der eisenzeitliche Opfersee in Ejsbøl
GIS-gestützte Erfassung der Ausgrabungen in Ejsbøl
Katalog der Funde aus Ejsbøl
Übersicht der gesamten Gegenstände
Liste zu Schiffs-/Bootsnägel
Liste zu Ziernieten
Typenlisten, Fundnummern und Verbritungskarten der Objekte aus Ejsbøl