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Continuity and Change
The development of Neolithic societies in central East Jutland, Denmark
(book + e-book)
Med udgangspunkt i en omfattende indsamling og systematisk analyse af data fra et begrænset område i den østlige del af den jyske halvø i Danmark foku…
499,95 kr. -
Viking Dynasties
The Royal Families of Lejre and Uppsala Between Archaeology and Text
Edited by Tom Christensen Neil Price John Ljungkvist
The royal sites of Lejre and Gamla Uppsala loom large in Nordic history and folklore, as aristocratic power centres founded by descendants of the gods…
499,95 kr. -
A Literary History of the Deep Sea
(book + e-book)
In the mid-19th century, intrepid explorers began to shine a light on the darkness of the deep. The mystique of what lay beneath the surface of the va…
349,95 kr. -
From Homer to Hatzi-Yavrouda
Aspects of Oral Narration in the Greek Tradition
Edited by Marianthi Kaplanoglou George Katsadoros Birgit Olsen Christos Zafiropoulos
(book + e-book)
From Homer to Hatzi-Yavrouda – Aspects of Oral Narration in the Greek Tradition provides a multidisciplinary discussion of the concept of orality in t…
320,00 kr. -
Viking Age Aristocratic Residences in Northern Europe
Edited by Mads Ravn
(book + e-book)
Viking Age Aristocratic Residences in Northern Europe explores the dynamic political and social landscapes of Northern Europe from AD 600 to 1000. Thi…
349,95 kr. -
Popular Receptions of Classical Antiquity
(book + e-book)
The present volume offers a fresh take on classical antiquity’s enduring presence in popular culture. It is structured around three key themes – histo…
299,95 kr. -
Failaka/Dilmun. The Second Millennium Settlements. Volume 6
Copper, Cuneiform Inscriptions and Other Finds
Edited by Flemming Højlund
Excavations in 1958-1963 of two tells on the island of Failaka in Kuwait, Tell F3 and Tell F6, uncovered a small Dilmun community from the second mill…
300,00 kr. -
Consensual Policy-Making in the Nordic World
This book examines consensual policy-making in the Scandinavian countries and shows how strong relations were built between the state and different in…
100,00 kr.
Upcoming releases
Women Artists in Denmark
Edited by Inge Lise Mogensen Bech Lene Bøgh Rønberg
(book + e-book)
Women Artists in Denmark 1880-1910 shines a spotlight on a number of female artists’ contributions to the Danish art scene at the end of the nineteent…
349,95 kr. -
In Love, researcher Anne Marie Pahuus explores the fascinating dimensions of this complicated and alluring feeling. Defining love as warm emotions fue…
59,95 kr. -
In Trust, political scientist Gert Tinggaard Svendsen explores how to cultivate trust and why it’s important for maintaining a happy, stable, and econ…
59,95 kr.