(book + e-book)
In Trust, political scientist Gert Tinggaard Svendsen explores how to cultivate trust and why it’s important for maintaining a happy, stable, and econ…
59,95 kr. -
Animation between Magic, Miracles and Mechanics
Principles of Life in Medieval Imagery
(book + e-book)
When it comes to images, we are all animists. Deep down, we all know that images can – at least potentially – be alive or come to life. Nowadays, we m…
349,95 kr. -
The Old Man
Edited by Karen Pallesgaard Munk Michael Smaerup Kirsten Maibom Kristian Park Frausing
(book + e-book)
Old men – especially those who live alone – remain an understudied group in the gerontological literature, despite their significance to the demograph…
349,95 kr. -
The Core of Learning
The Philosophical Writings of N.F.S. Grundtvig
Edited by Edward Broadbridge
(book + e-book)
The Core of Learning presents the philosophical framework of N.F.S. Grundtvig’s educational, poetic, theological, and political writings. In each of t…
449,95 kr. -
Imaginative Moods
Aesthetics, Religion, Philosophy
(book + e-book)
Following modern and postmodern philosophy’s critique of metaphysics, experiences of transcendence are often considered ‘aesthetic’ rather than ‘metap…
249,95 kr. -
Poetic Inclinations
Ethics, History, Philosophy
(book + e-book)
Philosophy originates in wonder that generates sensitive thinking, also called ‘aesthetic thinking’—an expanded mode of thought that bridges and disso…
249,95 kr. -
Peter Brandes
Meridian of Art
(book + e-book)
Peter Brandes is one of the most significant Danish visual artists alive today. He is represented in the collections of leading museums worldwide, inc…
349,95 kr. -
Artistic Research
Being There. Explorations into the local
Edited by Luisa Greenfield Myna Trustram Eduardo Abrantes
How does artistic research engage with the concept of local? In what ways can art practice be an intervention into traditional notions of history and…
199,95 kr. -
Between Identity and Difference
(book + e-book)
Questions: Between Identity and Difference is in many ways a curious book. It is a scholarly book, but tests the boundaries of traditional academic me…
199,95 kr. -
Experiencing the Everyday
Edited by Carsten Friberg Raine Vasquez
This book aims to address that which is most relevant and unavoidable present for every human being: namely, everyday existence, that elusive fabric i…
199,95 kr. -
Ethics, Democracy, and Markets
Nordic Perspectives on World Problems
Edited by Giorgio Baruchello Jacob Dahl Rendtorff Asger Sørensen
The present book comprises thirteen chapters written by Nordic scholars in the human and social sciences, and developed out of conference papers prese…
249,95 kr. -
N.F.S. Grundtvig
An Introduction to his Life and Work
N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783-1872) was a prominent preacher, poet, scholar and politician, who played a crucial role in the life of nineteenth-century Denm…
299,95 kr.