Ethics, Democracy, and Markets
Nordic Perspectives on World Problems
A part of the series NSU-press , and the subject area Philosophy
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Edited by
Giorgio Baruchello,
Jacob Dahl Rendtorff and
Asger Sørensen
With contributions by
Giorgio Baruchello,
Erik Bendtsen,
Gorm Harste,
Arto Laitinen,
Øjvind Larsen,
Signe Rehling Larsen,
Åke Nielsén,
Jacob Dahl Rendtorff,
Sari Roman-Lagerspetz,
Johanna Sjöstedt,
Asger Sørensen,
Sanna Tirkkonen and
Peter Wolsing
More about the book
About the book
The present book comprises thirteen chapters written by Nordic scholars in the human and social sciences, and developed out of conference papers presented at regular winter and summer symposia held by two research groups emanating from the Nordic Summer University. Born within and informed by this specific milieu, the chapters address significant sociopolitical implications for contemporary societies emerging from the ethical reflections of leading 20th century thinkers (e.g. Michel Foucault and Jürgen Habermas), important procedural as well as substantive aspects of democracy, and pivotal ethico-political issues arising from the abstract logic and concrete manifestations of market economies. Though by no means devoid of their own economic, cultural and political problems, the Nordic countries are still paramount examples of humane prosperity, democratic civility, environmentally sound policy, and peaceful resolution of social and industrial conflicts. Year after year, if not decade after decade, they keep topping the international charts for socio-economic indicators about sostainable development, healthcare quality and accessibility, educational levels, crime control, preceived happiness and much else. As such, the scholarly and scientific reflections orginating within the Nordic Summer University might prove to be useful sources of insight for policy-makers, intellectuals and interested persons outside the Nordic context, and not solely inside it.
Table of contents
Part I. Ethics
Measuring Identity. Critique and the Notions of Truth and Violence in Judith Butler's Gender Trouble
Ethics, Politics and Exclusion in Michel Foucault's Late Thought
Societal Ethics in Merleau-Ponty. Three Attempts to Form an Ethics upon the Phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty
On the Concept of Ethical Imagination
Part II. Democracy
Welfare and Meaning in Life
The Missing Link in the Philosophy of Enlightenment. Reasonability, Will and Separation of Powers in the Philosophy of Justice of Henri-Francois d'Aguesseau, Chancellor of France
United in Diversity? Humanism, Homogeneity and Hegemony
Deliberative Leadership in Organisations of Modern Democratic Society
Democracy and Distrust
Cosmopolitan Democracy and the State. The Need for Ideals
Part III
The Unscientific Ground of Free-Market Liberalism
Freedom's Left? Market's Right Morality's Wrong?
Ethics, Economics and Globalisation: Cosmopolitanism and the Financial Crisis