(book + e-book)
In Trust, political scientist Gert Tinggaard Svendsen explores how to cultivate trust and why it’s important for maintaining a happy, stable, and econ…
59,95 kr. -
The Old Man
Edited by Karen Pallesgaard Munk Michael Smaerup Kirsten Maibom Kristian Park Frausing
(book + e-book)
Old men – especially those who live alone – remain an understudied group in the gerontological literature, despite their significance to the demograph…
349,95 kr. -
A Research Manual for Qualitative Microanalysis of Stress Processes
(book + e-book)
The concept of ‘coping’ is fundamental in stress research, as an overall designation for everything people do to deal with stressful situations. In th…
199,95 kr. -
Functional Disorders and Medically Unexplained Symptoms
Assessment and treatment
Edited by Per Fink Marianne Rosendal
(book + e-book)
This book is based on extensive research in assessment and treatment of patients with functional disorders and provides a thorough background to funct…
269,95 kr. -
Care, Socialization and Play in Ancient Attica
A Developmental Childhood Archaeological Approach
(book + e-book)
Care, Socialization and Play in Ancient Attica scrutinizes in how infants and young children were nursed, cared for and socialized in the oikos (fami…
249,95 kr. -
Positive psychology
(book + e-book)
We have evolved to enjoy sleep, sex and sweets ─ and so we do. But negativity permeates our lives too: we are drawn to murder and violence on the news…
59,95 kr. -
Career Guidance in Communities
An emerging interest in group guidance, collective forms, and integrative approaches is evident in Denmark and serves to contest a conventional indivi…
279,95 kr. -
Excavating the Mind
Edited by Helle Juel Jensen Mads D. Jessen Niels Johannsen
(book + e-book)
Excavating the mind deals with the relationship between the material culture of humans, i.e. our technologies, arts and environments, and our mental w…
349,95 kr. -
The psychology of the ageing person
Edited by Lars Larsen
In the future an increasing number of people in the Western world can expect to live a long life, and the proportion of elderly people in the populat…
299,95 kr. -
A Qualitative Stance
Essays in honor of Steinar Kvale
Edited by Svend Brinkmann Claus Elmholdt Gerda Kraft Peter Musaeus Klaus Nielsen Lene Tanggaard
(book + e-book)
This book articulates a qualitative stance, drawing inspiration from the Danish psychologist Steinar Kvale's work. The qualitative stance involves a p…
278,00 kr. -
Generation P?
Youth. Gender and Pornography
Edited by Susanne V. Knudsen Lotta Löfgren-Mårtenson Sven-Axel Månsson
(book + e-book)
New book provides insight into the young generations relations and experiences with pornography. Generation P? is based on a unique and comprehensive…
349,00 kr. -
Participation and Prevention
when organizazing shift work at company level in various European countries
This book presents an investigation of how shift work is organized in various European countries. The important role of the participatory bodies is di…
298,00 kr.