Ellen Margrethe Basse
Topforskning ved Aarhus Universitet
- en jubilæumsantologi
Edited by André Wang Hansen Helge Kragh Svend Larsen Palle Lykke Jens Chr. Manniche
298,00 kr. -
Environmental Regulation and Rationality
Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Edited by Suzanne C. Beckmann Erik Kloppenborg Madsen
What does it take to change the behaviour of people and businesses with respect to the environment? In the 1990's a group of social scientists gathere…
298,00 kr. -
Den demokratiske udfordring
Edited by Jørgen Goul Andersen Peter Munk Christiansen Torben Beck Jørgensen Lise Togeby Signild Vallgårda
(book + e-book)
225,00 kr. -
Ret uden regler?
Edited by Lis Frost
148,00 kr.