Den Ryssiske Lov 1649
Oversat og kommenteret af Rasmus Æreboe 1721
499,95 kr. -
The Journal of Midshipman Chaplin
A Record of Bering's First Kamchatka Expedition
Edited by Tatiana S. Fedorova Peter Ulf Møller Viktor G. Sedov Carol L. Urness
(book + e-book)
In 1725 the Russian Tsar, Peter the Great, signed orders for Vitus Bering to set out on the First Kamchatka Expedition in order to establish if Asia…
398,00 kr. -
Da smør var guld
Sibirisk smørproduktion og -eksport, 1895-1905
(book + e-book)
398,00 kr. -
Letters from the Governor's Wife
A View of Russian Alaska 1859-1862
Edited by Annie C. Christensen
(book + e-book)
When Johan Furuhjelm was offered the governorship of Russian America in 1858, the 37-year-old Finnish officer found himself in a quandary. He needed a…
298,00 kr. -
Under Vitus Bering's Command
New Perspectives on the Russian Kamchatka Expeditions
Edited by Natasha Okhotina Lind Peter Ulf Møller
From 1725 until his death in 1741, Vitus Bering commanded two of the most ambitious journeys of exploration in the 18th century. Each required years o…
248,00 kr. -
Reise udi Rusland
Første udgave fra 1743, med forord af Ludvig Holberg
298,00 kr.