Jakob Munk Højte
Pottery, Peoples and Places
Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery
Edited by Pia Guldager Bilde Mark L. Lawall
(book + e-book)
The late Hellenistic period, spanning the 2nd and early 1st centuries BC, was a time of great tumult and violence thanks to nearly incessant warfare.…
449,95 kr. -
The Lower City of Olbia (Sector NGS)
Iin the 6th Century BC to the 4th Century AD
Edited by Pia Guldager Bilde Jakob Munk Højte Valentina V. Krapivina Sergej D. Kryzickij Nina A. Lejpunskaja
The Lower City of Olbia (Sector NGS) was excavated by Ukrainian archaeologists between 1988 and 2002. This large city quarter, its architecture and f…
750,00 kr. -
Mithridates VI and the Pontic Kingdom
Edited by Jakob Munk Højte
(book + e-book)
Mithridates VI Eupator, the last king of Pontos, was undoubtedly one of the most prominent figures in the late Hellenistic period. Throughout his long…
378,00 kr. -
Meetings of Cultures in the Black Sea Region
Edited by Pia Guldager Bilde Jane Hjarl Petersen
(book + e-book)
Meetings of cultures arouse strong feelings. In this volume, nineteen scholars from Denmark, France, Georgia, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Russia,…
378,00 kr. -
Et klassisk kalejdoskop
Edited by Anne Marie Carstens Helle Winge Horsnæs Helmer Munch-Andersen Stine Schierup Camilla Sondrup
(book + e-book)
329,95 kr. -
Rome and The Black Sea Region
Domination, romanisation, resistance
Edited by Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen
(book + e-book)
At the height of the Empire, Roman control extended over two-thirds of the Pontic shoreline. The advent of Rome brought immediate changes in administr…
298,00 kr. -
Mithradates VI af Pontos
Roms perfekte fjende
Edited by Jakob Munk Højte
(book + e-book)
128,00 kr. -
Roman Imperial Statue Bases
from Augustus to Commodus
(book + e-book)
The study of Roman imperial statues has made remarkable strides in the last two decades. Yet the field's understandable focus on extant portraits has…
358,00 kr. -
Chronologies of the Black Sea Area
In the period c. 400-100 BC
Edited by Lise Hannestad Vladimir F. Stolba
(book + e-book)
A renewed interest in chronological problems has surfaced in recent years. In this volume deriving from the first international conference of the Dani…
348,00 kr. -
Mennesker og guder ved Sortehavets kyster
Edited by Pia Guldager Bilde Jakob Munk Højte
(book + e-book)
148,00 kr. -
På randen af det ukendte
Hvad græske og romerske forfattere kan fortælle om Sortehavsområdet i antikken
Edited by Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen George Hinge
(book + e-book)
128,00 kr. -
The Cauldron of Ariantas
Studies presented to A.N. Sceglov on the occasion of his 70th birthday
Edited by Pia Guldager Bilde Jakob Munk Højte Vladimir F. Stolba
(book + e-book)
In this book 23 scholars from Ukraine, France, Great Britain, Russia, and Denmark celebrate the 70th birthday of the archaeologist, A.N. Sceglov, who…
298,00 kr.