Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Contact us

Aarhus University Press

Helsingforsgade 25
DK - 8200 Aarhus N

Telephone: +45 53 55 05 42
E-mail: unipress@unipress.au.dk

Manuscripts and ideas for publications should be sent to proposal@unipress.au.dk.

Staff at Aarhus University Press

Direktion og ledelse


Anne Engedal


Telefon:+45 60 16 98 30

E-mail: aen@unipress.au.dk

MA in Philosophy and Literature. Director of the Press and our subsidiary sound production company, Videnslyd. Anne is responsible for finances and strategy and the daily management of the marketing and international departments. Anne was the founding director of Videnslyd and her earlier positions include editor of philosophy and religion at The Danish University Extension Aarhus.


Ulrik Hvilshøj

Publishing Director

Telefon:+45 51 99 60 50

E-mail: uhv@unipress.au.dk

MA in Linguistics. Tasks within strategic and editorial management, fundraising, logistics, IT, HR and administration. Ulrik has previously been managing director of a publishing house in Copenhagen and chairman of the board of Danish Publishers Association.


Iben Borup Nielsen

Head of Accounting

Telefon:+45 53 55 07 72

E-mail: ibn@unipress.au.dk

With a MA in Accounting and as head of accounting at the press, Iben has control of finances and she knows her way around Navision, Jet Reports and Microsoft Excel sheets. She came to the press in 2018 from a job in the food sector and she has also previously worked at Johnson Controls on her resume.

Salg og marketing


Pia Sandholm Fiil Laursen

Head of Sales

Telefon:+45 53 55 08 95

E-mail: psl@unipress.au.dk

Pia is responsible for the our sales activities. She handles order processing, invoicing, inventory management, and distribution. Additionally, she is lead on all major events and trade fairs. Pia has been with Aarhus Universitetsforlag since she started as an office trainee at the age of 19 in 1990 — so it is safe to say that Pia knows everything about the business.

Pernille Køster (1)

Pernille Køster

Senior Marketing Manager

Telefon:+45 66 44 39 95

E-mail: pk@unipress.au.dk

MA in English, International Business Communication. As Senior Marketing Manager Pernille is responsible for the strategic development of our marketing and PR efforts. She has worked within the publishing field since 2015. She loves a good cup of coffee and spends all her spare time travelling with her husband and daughter.

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Pernille Boll Vestergaard Jensen

PR & Marketing Coordinator

Telefon:+45 53 55 06 28

E-mail: pje@unipress.au.dk

MA in Aesthetics and Culture. As marketing co-ordinator, Pernille works primarily with events, press and marketing. She loves everything that has to do with cycling, so in her spare time you can find her on her road bike on the Danish roads.

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Silja Sørensdottir Bertelsen

Marketing Assistant

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: sbe@unipress.au.dk

Silja is currently studying experience economics and hold a bachelor degree in art history at Aarhus University. She works as marketing assistant. Primarily, she updates our social media, community management and is a part of customer service. She has a great interest in danish contemporary art and is devoted to conveying art at a level where everyone feels included.

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Mikkeline Wiborg

Editorial intern

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: mw@unipress.au.dk

Mikkeline is studying her master’s degree in Scandinavian literature and language at Aarhus University. She holds a bachelor’s degree in the same field with minor in Gender studies. As a marketing assistent, Mikkeline works with tasks such as copywriting, event organization, and administration. She has a personal interest in contemporary Scandinavian literary history and in creative communication


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Cecilie Harrits


Telefon:+45 28 40 50 30

E-mail: cha@unipress.au.dk

MA in literature and art history and a trained teacher with main subjects in Danish and special education. Cecilie’s responsibilities are pedagogy, education and psychology as well as literature and art history. She leads the series Pædagogisk rækkevidde and manages several collaborations between the publishing house and art and culture institutions. Cecilie is committed to sustainable book production and green transition in the publishing industry.


Karina Bell Ottosen


Telefon:+45 30 70 11 68

E-mail: kbo@unipress.au.dk

MSc in Information Science. Karina is responsible for the social sciences area, particularly the development of the series The Nordic World and Magtudredningen 2.0. She is our Foreign Rights manager and in charge of Aarhus Universitetforlag's international profile, including co-publishing with American and British university presses. Karina has a background as an editor at Gyldendal Academic and Forlaget Ajour.

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Thomas Oldrup


Telefon:+45 53 55 01 59

E-mail: to@unipress.au.dk

MA in History and Rhetoric. Thomas is responsible for the company’s historical publications and he primarily works with the project 100 danmarkshistorier [Focus on Danish History], which in addition to book publications includes knowledge dissemination through a number of partners. He has previously been the Danish editor of the magazine Alt om Historie.


Sanne Lind Hansen


Telefon:+ 45 53 55 07 59

E-mail: slh@unipress.au.dk

MA in ethnography and classical archeology and trained at the Danish School of Journalism. Sanne primarily works with anthropology, archeology and early history. She is also responsible for foreign sales and commission agreements, and she was once employed at the National Museum (Antiquities).


Maria Schaldemose Kristensen


Telefon:+45 31 17 66 78

E-mail: msk@unipress.au.dk

MA in History of Ideas with a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a master’s degree in Rhetoric and Communication. Maria is responsible for the company’s scientific publications and especially the development of the series ScienceFaction. She previously worked with communication management, strategy and education. Before she came to the company, Maria worked at Energimuseet and as a high school teacher.


Henrik Jensen

Project Editor

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: hj@unipress.au.dk

MA in Comparative Literature. Henrik primarily edits books on literature and the series Verdenslitteratur and Miljøbiblioteket. Henrik started working at the publishing house as a young intern in 2007 and has overseen many different tasks in the company.

Jakob Vestergaard

Jakob Vestergaard

Project Editor

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: jav@unipress.au.dk

MA in Media Studies and Multimedia. Jakob works as a project editor and for several years he has been a travel editor for Dagbladet Information, and an independent publisher running his own micro-publishing house. Jakob previously worked as an editor for Politikens Hus and as a media researcher for Danmark Radio (DR).

Leif V.S. Balthzersen

Leif V.S. Balthzersen

Project Editor

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: lvsb@unipress.au.dk

MA in Musicology. Leif has been music director for Sønderjyllands Symphony Orchestra and Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, ensemble manager for Aarhus Sinfonietta and is Chairman of the Board of Aarhus Summer Opera. He has also taught at universities, Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium, Den Jyske Opera, colleges, Folkeuniversitetet, among others.


Anette Stoffersen

Project Editor

Telefon:+45 27 15 97 75

E-mail: as@unipress.au.dk

MA in history and art history. With 30 years of experience as an editor in history, art, culture and travel, Anette is a versatile editor, who among other things, has overseen the major work Dansk Skolehistorie 1-5 and Ludvig Holberg’s principal works 1-22.

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Søren Hein Rasmussen

Project Editor

Telefon:+45 27 59 60 13

E-mail: shr@unipress.au.dk

Søren is a historian with 25 years of research experience at Aarhus University. In 2015, he became an independent researcher and game developer, but he still writes books and articles on various topics, but primarily in the field of modern history and popular culture. Søren especially edits books about history.


Ane Martine Lønneker

Project Editor

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: aml@unipress.au.dk

Ane Martine holds a PhD in Comparative Literature and Aesthetics and Culture. Martine works as a freelance editor. She is also a university teacher and has taught comparative literature and communication. When she’s not in her office thinking about the shape and flow of words, she often sings classical choir music.


Lykke Østergaard Møller

Project Editor

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: lykkeostergaardmoller@gmail.com

Master of Arts in Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies (Danish), teacher, and diploma in specialized journalism. Lykke primarily works with the series Empirical School and Daycare Research, Pedagogical Insight, and Pedagogical Scope. She has many years of experience in teaching and examination in primary school and has also taught language and writing in teacher education.

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Bjørn Rabjerg

Project Editor

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: bra@unipress.au.dk

MA in philosophy with a minor in Danish, Bjørn also holds a PhD in philosophy of religion. Since 2010, Bjørn has worked as a researcher at the Department of Theology at Aarhus University focusing on theological and philosophical existentialism, in particular studying K.E. Løgstrup and Søren Kierkegaard.


Amalie Brændgaard Hansen

Editorial- and marketing assistant

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: abh@unipress.au.dk

Amalie is studying a master's degree in Scandinavian language and literature at Aarhus University. She has a bachelor's degree from the same education with a supplementary subject in Film and Media. She works as an editorial assistant and takes care of contracts, register work, finding image rights and does proofreading. Amalie likes to read novels, write book reviews and is interested in culture and literature that sheds light on contemporary issues.


Astrid Bundesen Sandqvist

Editorial Assistant

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: aks@unipress.au.dk

Astrid has a BA in Comparative literature with elective in Museology from Aarhus University. She works as an editorial assistant and is working with securing image rights and other editorial tasks. She has a great interest in literature and communication and is particularly fond of creating and participating in cultural experiences that reach out widely in our society.


Malthe Bækbo Vestergaard

Editorial assistant

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: mbv@unipress.au.dk

Malthe is currently studying history and Scandinavian languages at Aarhus University. He works as an editorial assistant on the project 100 danmarkshistorier (Focus on Danish History) and is primarily tasked with finding illustrations and securing rights. Malthes great passion has always been the history of agriculture and has previously worked with Danish cook books.


Klara Louisa Jonsen

Editorial assisant

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: klj@unipress.au.dk

Klara is studying a Master's degree in Media Science at Aarhus University. She has a bachelor's degree from the same education with a supplementary subject in creative and professional writing. Klara works as an editorial assistant on the series Magtudredningen 2.0. She also helps with various marketing tasks. Klara has a love for literature, movies and TV.

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Mia Gaudern

Copy Editor

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: unipress@unipress.au.dk

Mia holds an MPhil in Culture and Criticism from the University of Cambridge and a DPhil in English Literature from the University of Oxford. She carries out language revision and proofreading for the press, mainly on archaeology, art history and sociology texts. Mia lives in Oxford, England, and Is Deputy editor of the Oxford University Gazette

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Heidi Flegal


Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: unipress@unipress.au.dk

MA in Applied Languages from Aarhus University in 1992. Freelance since 1999. Her surname hints at her American origins and the mixed upbringing in Pennsylvania and Denmark with two native languages. She often translates into English, as when helping to adapt and translate selected titles in the Reflections series.

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Hans Ørbæk


Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: unipress@unipress.au.dk

MA in Comparative Literature and medieval and renaissance studies. Hans is an external proofreader for many of our publications, from the small Reflections [Tænkepauser] to the comprehensive works of Ludvig Holberg. He has previously translated the medieval Latvian epos "Waltharius" into Danish and in 2014 he started his own proofreading agency, Errata.

Regnskab og IT


Iben Borup Nielsen

Head of Accounting

Telefon:+45 53 55 07 72

E-mail: ibn@unipress.au.dk

With a MA in Accounting and as head of accounting at the press, Iben has control of finances and she knows her way around Navision, Jet Reports and Microsoft Excel sheets. She came to the press in 2018 from a job in the food sector and she has also previously worked at Johnson Controls on her resume.


Anne Hasseriis Jensen


Telefon:+45 53 55 07 61

E-mail: ahj@unipress.au.dk

As the press’s longest serving employee, Anne took her trade exam in 1988 and was trained as an accountant at the press in 1990. She has been at the company since it only employed three staff members and had one computer for sharing, and when the annual income was six figures.


Dave Kensinger

Digital development and tech support

Telefon:+45 53 55 05 42

E-mail: dk@unipress.au.dk

Bachelor’s degree in aviation and space technology and a master’s degree in military history and international relations. Dave has a long career as a fighter pilot in the American air force and as a project manager at Terma. Complicated spreadsheets, mathematical formulas and IT systems are Dave’s home ground.



Kasper Wegener Friis

Producer at Videnslyd

Telefon:+45 31 40 07 43

E-mail: kpf@videnslyd.dk

Kasper is a journalist and has several years of experience from a wide range of editorial offices in DR and from his own communications firm. At Videnslyd he mainly works as a researcher and producer on our science program Kraniebrud, and he always leaves work happy because every workday features new knowledge satisfying his voracious curiosity.


Emma Elisabeth Holtet

Host of 'Vildspor' and Producer at 'Vildspor'

Telefon:+45 26 99 13 56

E-mail: eeh@videnslyd.dk

Emma is a producer at Videnslyd, working mainly on the two Radio4 programmes Kraniebrud and Vildspor. She has a bachelor's degree in Theatre Studies and is currently finishing her masters degree in Analytical Journalism at Aarhus University. Besides her interest in theatre and radio Emma has a particular passion for British comedy and North Greenlandic culture.

Peter M. Tekst

Peter Løhde Thomsen

Host of 'Vildspor' and Producer at 'Vildspor'

Telefon:+45 50 91 30 05

E-mail: pl@videnslyd.dk

Peter has a BA from the Danish School of Media and Journalism and a MA in Analytical Journalism from Aarhus University. At Videnslyd he hosts the science program Kraniebrud and works as a producer on the nature program Vildspor. Peter has a past at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation and has hosted and produced the podcast Wacky World History for almost three years. When he’s not in the studio Peter loves to geek out with LEGO and headbang to rock music from the 70’s and 80’s.

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