Africa Proconsularis
Regional Studies in the Segermes Valley of Northern Tunesia 3. Historical Conclusions
A part of the subject area Archaeology (classical)
Edited by
Jesper Carlsen,
Habib Ben Hassen,
Laila Ladjimi Sebaï and
Peter Ørsted
With contributions by
Maria Berg Briese,
Jesper Carlsen,
Cathrine Gerner Hansen,
Habib Ben Hassen,
Thomas Kampmann,
Erling Benner Larsen,
John Lund,
Erik Poulsen,
Laila Ladjimi Sebaï,
Habib Ben Younes and
Peter Ørsted
More about the book
About the book
From 1987 to 1990, in collaboration with several Danish research institutes, the Tunisian Institut National de Patrimoine carried out an extensive archaeological survey in the valley known as the Segermes basin, in Tunisia. The results of that work are contained in three volumes entitled Africa Proconsularis. This volume reviews the information and looks at the historical conclusions.
Table of contents
ContentsPrefaces par Boubaker Ben Frej and by Peter Ørsted
Part I: Introduction
1. Introduction
2. Segermes: chef lieu régional. Rapport preliminaire et perspectives
3. The Setting
4. History and Archaeology - Aims and Methods
5. Falbe's Visit to Segermes in 1838
6. Earlier Archaeolgical Investigations of the Segermes Valley
7. Settlement Structure
Part II: Infrastructure of the Segermes Valley
1. Centuriation and Infrastructure
2. Property and Production in the Segermes Valley during the Roman Era
Part III: Production and Population
Part IV: Conclusions: From the Ideal to the Real
The countryside
Population and production
Territorium and the outside world
History of the valley
Part V: Additional Archaeolgical Fieldwork
1. Les tombes rupestres (haouanet) du Jebel Sidi Zid
2. The Late and Neo-Punic Periods
3. Trade and Communication. The Pottery Aspects
4. Ksar Soudane
5. The Search for Centuriation in the Segermes Valley
6. Epigraphical Documentation in Segermes
List of Illustrations