Arthropod Natural Enemies in Arable Land
I. Density, spatial heterogeneity and dispersal
A part of the subject area Biology
Out of stock
Edited by
Werner Riedel and
Søren Toft
With contributions by
J. Ashby,
C.J.H. Booij,
C. Clausen,
A. Dinter,
P. Duelli,
B. Ekbom,
H. Goldschmidt,
T. Hance,
R.W.J. Harwood,
M. Hassall,
A. Hawthorne,
J. Helenius,
J.K. Holopainen,
N. Holst,
R. Hradetzky,
J. Idinger,
B. Kromp,
J. de Leeuw,
A. MacLeod,
M. Nitzlader,
J. Noorlander,
M. Obrist,
Gunhild Ploug,
R.J. van der Poll,
Werner Riedel,
P. Ruggle,
F. Samu,
G.R. de Snoo,
N.W. Sotherton,
K.D. Sunderland,
M. Sárospataki,
C.F.G. Thomas,
Søren Toft,
C.J. Topping,
B. Ulber,
H. Wallin,
W. van der Werf,
G. Wolf-Schwerin and
S.D. Wratten
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Table of contents
K.D. Sunderland & D.C. Topping: Estimating population densities of spiders in cereals
A. Dinter: Estimation of epigeic spider population densities using an intensive D-vac sampling technique and comparison with pitfall trap catches in winter wheat
S. Toft, C. Clausen & H. Goldschmidt: Distance methods used to estimate densities of web spiders in cereal fields
F. Samu & M. Sárospataki: Estimation of population sizes and "home ranges" of polyphagous predators in alfalfa using mark-recapture: an exploratory study
C.F.G. Thomas: A rapid method for handling anf marking carabids in the fiels
A. Hawthorne: Validation of the use of pitfall traps to the study of carabid population in cereal field headlands
B. Ulber & G. Wolf-Schwerin: A comparison of pitfall trap catches and absolute density estimates of carabid beetles in oilseed rape fields
B. Kromp, Ch. Pflügl, R. Hradetzky & J. Idinger: Estimating beneficial arthropod densities using emergence traps, pitfall traps and the flooding method in organic fields (Vienna, Austria)
J. Helenius: Rate and local scale spatial pattern of adult emergence of the generalist predator Bembidion guttula in an agricultural field
T. Hance: Relationships between aphid phenology and predator and parasitoid abundances in maize fields
A. MacLeod, N.W. Sotherton, R.W.J. Harwood & S.D. Wratten: An improved suction sampling device to collect aphids and their predators in agroecosystmes
K.D. Sunderland et al.: Density estimation for invertebrate predators in agroecosystmes
W. Powell & J. Ashby: Using mark-release-recapture techniques to study the influence of spatial heterogeneity on carabids
C.J.H. Booij, L.J.M.F. den Nijs & J. Noorlander: Spationtemporal patterns in activity density of some carabid species in large scale arable fields
A. Hawthorne & M. Hassall: The effect of cereal headland treatments on carabid communities
G. R. De Snoo, R.J. van der Poll & J. de Leeuw: Carabids in sprayed and unsprayed crop edges of winter wheat, sugar beet and potatoes
J.K. Holopainen: Spatial distribution of polyphagous predators in nursery fields
W. Riedel: Spatial distribution of hibernation polyphagous predators in field boundaries
P. Ruggle & N. Holst: Spatial variation of Sitobion avenae (F.) (Hom.: Aphididae) and its primary parasitoids (Hym.: Aphididae) and its primary parasitoids /Hym.: Aphidiidae, Aphelinidae)
W. Powell et al.: Within-field spatial heterogeneity of arthropod predators and parasitoids
C.J. Topping & K.D. Sunderland: Methods for monitoring aerial dispersal by spiders
S. Toft: Two functions of gossamer dispersal in spiders?
B. Kromp & M. Nitzlader: Dispersal of ground beetles in a rye field in Vienna, Eastern Austria
H. Wallin & B. Ekbom: Movement patterns and foraging behaviour of carabid beetles on arable land
P. Duelli & M. Obrist: Comparing surface activity and flight of predatory arthropods in a 5 km transect
W. Van der Werf: How do immigration rates affect predator/prey interactions in field crops? Predictions from models and an example involving the spread of aphid-borne viruses in sugar beet