Baptism and the New Life
A Study of Romans 6.1-14
A part of the subject area Theology
More about the book
About the book
Baptism and the New Life is the first thesis about St. Paul's theology in almost 70 years. The main subject of the book is the Pauline enthusiasm for salvation and the new life expressed in Rom 6.1-14.
Table of contents
I. Theses and points of discussion relative to Rom 6.1-14
Part One: Preparatory studies of the historical background:
II. Hellenistic mystery religion as a background to baptism
III. Baptismal concepts in Hellenistic-Christian communities
IV. Baptismal Practice in the Primitive Church and Judeo-Christian prerequisites
Part Two: Review of the text:
V. Rom 5 as Prelude to Rom 6
VI. The leading questions in Rom 6.1-2 and the dominant structure
VII. Rom 6.3-5: the new life as a consequence of baptism into death
VIII. Rom 6.6-8: further reasoning in support of the new life
IX. Rom 6.9-11: the concluding process of reasoning
X. The appeal in Rom 6.12-14 and the substance of the new life
XI. Summary
Dansk resumé:
Første del: Forberedende studier om den historiske baggrund
Anden del: Tekstgennemgang