Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Between Orient and Occident

Studies in Honour of P.J. Riis

A part of the series The National Museum of Denmark , and the subject area

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240 pages ill.
ISBN 87 89438 07 8

Edited by

With contributions by
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More about the book

About the book

For more than two generations Poul Jørgen Riis has played a leading role in Danish Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology. With Between Orient and Occident the Department of International Collections in the Danish National Museum celebrates the 90th birthday of P.J. Riis on the 26th of May, 2000.

The book contains essays by some of Riisø' past and present colleagues, collaborators and students touching upon a wide range of subjects within Danish Classical and Near Eastern archaeological research: from Syria to Tunisia, from transport amphoras, and fine ware Arethusa cups to Islamic architecture.

Table of contents


Hama in the Middle Bronze Age: a New Interpretation, Ingolf Thuesen

Creating a Divine Image: the Case of Juno Sospita, Kristina Winther Jacobsen

A Second Metamorphosis of Arethusa, Helle Winge Horsnæs

Herakles Holding the Horn of Acheloos - Bronze Statuettes in the Danish National Museum, Helle Salskov Roberts

Transport Amphorae as Evidence of Exportation of Italian Wine and Oil to the Eastern Mediterranean in the Hellenistic Period, John Lund

Danish Archaeology in Carthage, Tunisia, Søren Dietz

Temple, église, mosquée. Autour de la Mosque des Omeyyades à Damas, Thomas Riis

A Chair from Hama in Bozüyük, Turkey, Peter Pentz

Twelve Roman Caesars en Médaillons, Bodil Bundgaard Rasmussen

The Egyptianising Motifs of Johannes Wiedewelt's Dactyliotheca, Anne Haslund Hansen

A Tale of Pots and Politics, Inge Schjellerup

Von C.J. Thomsen zu P.J. Riis - Ausstellung und Wissen über europäische Medaillen in Kopenhagen, Jørgen Steen Jensen

Hama revisited: a Syrian Town in the 1930s and Today, Alexandra Nilsson

From Study Collection to Museum of Ancient Art: a Danish University Museum of Mediterranean Antiquities and Plaster Casts, Pia Guldager Bilde

Poul Jørgen Riis - a Bibliography, Flemming Gorm Andersen

Sanne Lind Hansen


MA in ethnography and classical archeology and trained at the Danish School of Journalism. Sanne primarily works with anthropology, archeology and early history. She is also responsible for foreign sales and commission agreements, and she was once employed at the National Museum (Antiquities).

Sanne Lind Hansen


Telephone: + 45 53 55 07 59


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