Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Celler deler os

A part of the series ScienceFaction (1) , and the subject area

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100 pages
ISBN 978 87 7219 663 3



More about the book

Maria Schaldemose Kristensen


MA in History of Ideas with a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a master’s degree in Rhetoric and Communication. Maria is responsible for the company’s scientific publications and especially the development of the series ScienceFaction. She previously worked with communication management, strategy and education. Before she came to the company, Maria worked at Energimuseet and as a high school teacher.

Maria Schaldemose Kristensen


Telephone: +45 31 17 66 78


Press reviews

Anette Heinrichson, Favrskov Bibliotek
"Det er virkelig fascinerende viden, som Lotte Bjergbæk formår at formidle for os."

Lektørudtalelse, DBC

"Interessant faglitteratur og blændende flot formidling er grundstenene i denne nye serie fra Aarhus Universitetsforlag, der giver forskerne pennen og lader dem fortælle om deres områder. Tonen er en fin kombination af faglig formidling med et personligt touch, hvilket giver en rigtig behagelig og flot formidlende læseoplevelse."

P1, Vildt naturligt
Radioudsendelse: "Cellers mirakler og fatale fejl"

Aktuel Naturvidenskab
Artikel: "Historien om historien om celledeling"

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