Chalkis Aitolias I
The prehistoric periods
A part of the series Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens (7) , and the subject areas Classical studies and Archaeology (classical)
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Edited by
Søren Dietz and
Ioannis Moschos
With contributions by
Søren Dietz,
Jan Heinemeier,
Sanne Houby-Nielsen,
Pernille Bangsgaard Jensen,
Lazaros Kolonas,
Theofanis Mavridis,
Ioannis Moschos,
Kaj Strand Petersen and
Lasse Sørensen
More about the book
About the book
"The prehistoric periods" is the first volume in a series of publications where the results of the Danish/Greek excavations 1995 to 2001 in Ancient Chalkis in Aetolia are published. For the first time ever, stratigraphically excavated deposits from the Final Neolithic, the Early Helladic, Middle Helladic and the Late Helladic periods in Northwestern Greece are published and presented in their proper scientific contexts. In addition to the archaeological contexts geological surveys in the area and studies in the fauna of marine shells and animal bones from the prehistoric layers are submitted. The results are supported by a series of C14 dates.
Table of contents
Preface, Søren Dietz, Lazaros Kolonas, Ioannis Moschos and Sanne Houby-Nielsen
List of illustrations
The systematic approach and the numbering system
Part I - The Bronze Age of Aghia Triada. A summary
Chapter 1
Studies in the Bronze Age of Aghia Triada. A summary, Søren Dietz and Ioannis Moschos
Chapter 2
Catalogue of contexts and finds from Aghia Triada (Area I) and the area west of Aghia Triada (Area II), Søren Dietz
Part II - The neolithic remains at Pangali
The site of Pangali, Mt. Varassova in Aitolia and the Late Neolithic Ib phase in the Aegean: social transformation and changing ideology, Theofanis Mavridis and Lasse Sørensen
Introduction, Theofanis Mavridis
The Pottery, Theofanis Mavridis
The chipped stone assemblage and the bone material, Lasse Sørensen
The animal bones from Pangali, Pernille Bangsgaard Jensen
Appendix 1
Shellfish in the stratigraphical context of Final Neolithic and Bronze Age supplemented by 14C dating, Kaj Strand Petersen
Appendix 2
The animal bones from Aghia Triada, Pernille Bangsgaard Jensen
Appendix 3
Radiocarbon dates on shellfish from Chalkis, Aitolias, Jan Heinemeier
Summary, Søren Dietz and Ioannis Moschos