Da livet opstod
A part of the series ScienceFaction (5) , and the subject area Natural science
More about the book
Maria Schaldemose Kristensen

MA in History of Ideas with a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a master’s degree in Rhetoric and Communication. Maria is responsible for the company’s scientific publications and especially the development of the series ScienceFaction. She previously worked with communication management, strategy and education. Before she came to the company, Maria worked at Energimuseet and as a high school teacher.
Press reviews
Lektørudtalelse, DBC
"En spændende vinkel på livets oprindelse. Strålende formidlet med eksempler fra hverdagen, så de fleste kan være med. Stoffet er evigt interessant, og forskningen i kunstig evolution bringer ny viden til læserne".
Vildt Naturligt
Podcast: "Kan vi genopfinde livet i laboratoriet?"
Aktuel Naturvidenskab
Omtale: "I denne nye bogserie (...) tager Emil Laust Kristoffersen læseren med på opdagelse i det store mysterium om livets oprindelse."