Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Danmarks riges historie 3

A part of the series Holberg. Ludvig Holbergs hovedværker 1-22 (10) , and the subject area

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377 pages
ISBN 978 87 7184 187 9

Edited by
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More about the book

Table of contents

Fridericus 3. (fortsat)

Om principperne for moderniseringen

Holbergs sprog

Rang, stand og tiltaleformer

Mønter, købekraft, mål og vægt


Anette Stoffersen


MA in history and art history. With 30 years of experience as an editor in history, art, culture and travel, Anette is a versatile editor, who among other things, has overseen the major work Dansk Skolehistorie 1-5 and Ludvig Holberg’s principal works 1-22.

Anette Stoffersen

Project Editor

Telephone: +45 27 15 97 75


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