Field Guide to Palms in Papua New Guinea
- with a multi-access key and notes on the genera
A part of the subject area Biology
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About the book
Within Southeastasia there are over 1,000 species of palms and two centers of diversity. Sumatra, Borneo and the Malay Peninsula constituites one such center. The other is the world’s second largest island, New Guinea, which is estimated to have over 300 species.
This guide to Papua New Guinea palms contains a multi-access key which is very flexible and easy to use even though information is sparse. It is based on 42 simple characters. For each of the 31 palm genera in Papua New Guinea the book contains notes on variation in form, distribution and use.
Table of contents
Map of Papua New Guinea
Character Explanation
How the Multi-Acess Key Works
Palm Genera in Papua New Guinea
How to Collect a Palm
List of References
Index to Scientific Names
Palms Cultivated in the National Botanic Garden, Lae