Hellanikos, Thukydides and the Era of Kimon
A part of the subject areas Classical studies and History
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About the book
The first historian to record the history of Greece from the Persian Wars to 431 BC was Hellanikos, the author of a now lost History of Athens. He reported there was one war between Athens and Sparta from 431 to 421 and another from 412 to 404, and that the first was caused by contemporary events of the 430s. Thukydides (c. 460-400 BC), writing a monograph on a war he sought to establish as the most disastrous to date, criticised Hellanikos as chronologically inaccurate and lacking an appreciation of the impact of a stronger Athens. Thukydides asserted that there was only one war.
Scholars have long taken it for granted that the preserved historian was right and the lost one mistaken. By restoring the dates recorded by Hellanikos, Schreiner asserts that a reliable chronology can be established. Schreiner, in reviving the text of Hellanikos, has written a ground-breaking study, that will force scholars of antiquity and military history to re-evaluate their interpretations of the era.
Table of contents
I. Hellanikos and other Sources
II. The Battle of Oinoe
III. The date of Eurymedon
IV. The 100-Ship Battle in Kypros
V. The Expedition to Egypt and the Peace of Kallias
VI. Doris, Tanagra, and the Sacred War
VII. Diodoros and Tolmides
Index Locorum
Geographical Index