Holberg 1-22
A part of the series Holberg. Ludvig Holbergs hovedværker 1-22 (1-22) , and the subject area Literature
Edited by
Laurids Kristian Fahl,
Peter Zeeberg,
Henrik Andersson,
Finn Gredal Jensen and
Camilla Zacho Larsen
More about the book
Table of contents
Komedier 1-7
Danmarks riges historie 1-3
Epistler 1-5
Niels Klim
Moralske tanker
Peder Paars
Natur- og folkeretten
Anette Stoffersen
MA in history and art history. With 30 years of experience as an editor in history, art, culture and travel, Anette is a versatile editor, who among other things, has overseen the major work Dansk Skolehistorie 1-5 and Ludvig Holberg’s principal works 1-22.