Instruments of Devotion
The Practices and Objects of Religious Piety from the Late Middle Ages to the 20th Century
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Edited by
Henning Laugerud and
Laura Katrine Skinnebach
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About the book
Secularization of Western Culture is, if not a myth, then grossly overrated. A current interest in belief and religion has recognized Christianity's influence on European history, philosophy and material culture. Christian heritage has therefore become a topical subject in comtemporary religious debate.
Instruments of Devotion presents the work of ENID, The European Network on the Instruments of Devotion in 11 articles focusing specifically on the instrumental aspects of Christian piety and devotional practices from the 14th century to today. The articles deal with the interrelationship between material culture and religious life; how music, prayer books, poetry and images have intensified and expressed devotion and piety in Christian Culture.
With a broad collection of topics ranging from medieval visual theories to post-modern perspectives of Catholicism, Instruments of Devotion is a multifaceted and interdisciplinary work. It illustrates changes, continuities and connections in the devotional history of Europe.