Los Valles Olvidados/The Forgotten Valleys
Pasado y Presente en la Utilizació de Recursos en la Ceja de Selva, Perú/Past and Present in the Utilization of Resources in the Ceja de Selva, Peru
A part of the series The National Museum of Denmark (Ethnographic Monographs, 1) , and the subject area Anthropology
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About the book
This book is about historical ecology and environmental studies carried out in 2000-2001 by a team of archaeologists, anthropologists, botanists and geographers in north-eastern Peru. During the last five hundred years the montane forest landscapes in the Huambo valley and La meseta, the provinces of Rodriguez de Mendoza and Huallaga were modified by tribal groups, the Chachapoyas and the Inca cultures and later by the invasion of the Spaniards. Today population pressure from the highlands is the cause of the transformations of the biologically diverse cloud forest.
Table of contents
Capítulo 1. Introducción al área de investigación
Capítulo 2. La Prehistoria
Capítulo 3. Acercarse la Historia
Capítulo 4. La vida cotidiana
Capítulo 5. Vegetación y uso de los Recursos Naturales
Capítulo 6. Cambios del uso de la tierra
Capítulo 7. Conclusión
Chapter 1. Introduction to the Study Area
Chapter 2. The Pre-History
Chapter 3. The Historical Approach
Chapter 4. Contemporary Life
Chapter 5. Vegetation and Use of Natural Resources
Chapter 6. Land Use Change
Chapter 7. Conclusion
Sanne Lind Hansen

MA in ethnography and classical archeology and trained at the Danish School of Journalism. Sanne primarily works with anthropology, archeology and early history. She is also responsible for foreign sales and commission agreements, and she was once employed at the National Museum (Antiquities).