The Naval Aristocracy of Hellenistic Rhodes
A part of the series Studies in Hellenistic Civilization (6) , and the subject area Classical studies
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About the book
"This book makes a major contribution to our understanding of the political, social, and economic history of Hellenistic Rhodes in particular and the Eastern Mediterranean in general. It is an excellent addition to the Aarhus series of Studies in Hellenistic Civilization and maintains that series's reputation for very high quality at a very modest price."
Philip de Souza, The Classical Review
Table of contents
I The Secrets of Rhodian Success:
The Naval Aristocracy
The Image-Makers
Democratic Institutions
Economic Inequality
II The Naval and Commercial Infrastructure:
Land-based Facilities
Naval Objectives
The Political Infrastructure
Suppliers and the Extension of Power
III Trade and Prosperity:
Amphora Handles and Trade
The Rhodian Entrepôt and its Commercial Partners
Economic Strategies
Credit-Supplying Institutions
IV The Rhodian Navy:
Types of Ships
The Triemiolia
The Rhodian Crews
Organization and Function
Warships and Maritime Trade
The 'First Fruits' of the Sea
V The Local Power Structure:
Adoption and the Demes
Cornerstones of Power I: Public Bodies
Cornerstones of Power II: Associations
Priesthoods, Exclusivity, and Land-hunger
Appendix I:
(a) Adopted Priests of Athana Lindia: Basis of Election
(b) Adoptees with Two Demotics
Appendix II:
The Patrai, Diagoniai, and Ktoinai
Index of Subjects
Index Locorum