Northern Emporium
Vol. 2 The networks of Viking-age Ribe
A part of the series Jysk Arkæologisk Selskabs Skrifter (123) , and the subject area Archaeology
Edited by
Søren M. Sindbæk
With contributions by
Maria Knudsen,
Christoph Keller,
Pieterjan Deckers,
Rubina Raja,
Gry H. Barfod,
Irene Baug,
Dagfinn Skre,
Torkil Solie-Røhr,
Tom Heldal,
Claus Feveile,
Line Korsholm Lauridsen,
Maryam Alizadeh Zolbin,
Thomas Birch,
Lene Lund Feveile,
Sarah Skytte Qvistgaard,
Lisbeth M. Imer,
Luise Ørsted Brandt,
Jacob Kveiborg,
Anna K.J. Tjelldén,
Sarah Croix,
Ulla Mannering,
Peter Hambro Mikkelsen and
Søren M. Sindbæk
More about the book
About the book
This is the second and final volume presenting the results of the Northern Emporium research project and the high-definition excavations carried out within this programme in 2017-18 in Ribe. The 22 chapters survey the remarkable range of finds retrieved from this hub of the North Sea world in the eighth and ninth centuries AD: artefacts made from pottery, stone, shell, glass, metals, amber, leather, wood, textile, bone and antler. They offer detailed insights that highlight discoveries such as the assemblages from glass bead or comb-making workshops, and rare finds such as wooden furnishings and musical instruments.
The focus of the book is on assembling Ribe’s early urban network. By analysing finds and their context, we develop a picture of social roles and interactions between residents and visitors in the emporium. And we follow the connections they created with other worlds as we trace the flows of glass vessels, pottery and wine barrels from Western Europe; iron, stone and animal products from North and Central Scandinavia and beads and coins that travelled from the Middle East and the Indian Ocean into northern Europe’s new maritime frontier.
Table of contents
Press reviews
Per Ole Schovsbo,
”Hvad enten man ser den øgede politisering i 700-årene som medspiller i forhold til det handelsmæssige netværk opkomst og udvikling i Norden eller ej, er værkets bind 2 mindst lige så enestående i tekst, layout og grafik som bind 1. Vi er med andre ord blevet beriget med et spændende bud på den kommende arkæologiske litteratur, der søger at samle mange forskellige informationer om de forhistoriske samfund - i modsætning til meningsløse kunsthistoriske fremlægninger af løsrevne artefakter. Tak for det!”