Patrons and Viewers in Late Antiquity
A part of the series Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity (10) , and the subject area Archaeology
Edited by
Stine Birk and
Birte Poulsen
With contributions by
Stine Birk,
Gitte Lønstrup Dal Santo,
Hendrik Dey,
Ulrich Gehn,
Arja Karivieri,
Troels Myrup Kristensen,
Katharina Meinecke,
Birte Poulsen,
Siri Sande,
Veronika Scheibelreiter-Gail,
Sarah Scott,
Lea Stirling and
Mette Low Sørensen
More about the book
About the book
The monumentality and the often rich embellishment of late antique buildings and monuments emphasises their importance to the patrons that commissioned them. However, the understanding and interpretation of the message conveyed may often be obtained through the study of the other important agent, namely the viewer.
This book contains a collection of papers that focuses on the way patrons, pagan as well as Christian, conveyed messages through material and visual culture and on the reception by the viewers. The contributions investigate how patrons of luxurious buildings, elaborate grave monuments, and churches used architecture, images, and inscriptions to demonstrate political, social, and religious power. The visual arts were a strong factor in communicating identity and attitudes both in the public and private spheres also in Late Antiquity.
Table of contents
Ehrenstatuen in spätantiken Häusern Roms
Miraculous Bodies: Christian Viewers and the Transformation of 'Pagan' Sculpture in Late Antiquity
Patrons, Viewers, and Statues in Late Antique Baths
Invisible Sarcophagi: Coffin and Viewer in the Late Imperial Age
Sarcophagi, Self-Representation, and Patronage in Rome and Tyre
Inscriptions in the Late Antique Private House: Some Thoughts about their Function and Distribution
Patrons and Viewers: Reading Mosaics in Late Antiquity
Fourth-Century Villas in the Coin Valley, Gloucestershire: Identifying Patrons and Viewers
Patrons and Viewers in Late Antique Greece: From Houses and Villas to Early Christian Churches
Bishop and Believers - Patrons and Viewers: Appropriating the Roman Patron Saints Peter and Paul in Constantinople
Patrons and Viewers of Mosaic Pavements in Religious Buildings in Jordan and Palestine
The Arch of Constantine - Who Saw What?
Spolia, Milestones and City Walls: The Politics of Imperial Legitimacy in Gaul
Sanne Lind Hansen

MA in ethnography and classical archeology and trained at the Danish School of Journalism. Sanne primarily works with anthropology, archeology and early history. She is also responsible for foreign sales and commission agreements, and she was once employed at the National Museum (Antiquities).