Pottery in the Archaeological Record: Greece and Beyond
Acts on the International Colloquium held at the Danish and Canadian Institutes in Athens, June 20-22, 2008
A part of the series Gösta Enbom Monographs (1) , and the subject area Archaeology
Edited by
Mark L. Lawall and
John Lund
With contributions by
Benjamin Costello IV,
Søren Handberg,
Eleni Hasaki,
Mark L. Lawall,
John Lund,
Kathleen Lynch,
Per Kristian Madsen,
Archer Martin,
Elizabeth Murphy,
J. Theodore Pena,
Jeroen Poblome,
Susan I. Rotroff,
Kathleen Warner Slane and
Roberta Tomber
More about the book
About the book
Archaeologist are increasingly focusing on the transformation of artifacts from their use in the past to theri appearance in the archaeological record, trying to identiy the natural and cultural processes that created the archaeological record we study today.
In Classical Archaeology, attention to these processes received an impetus by J. Theodore Peña's 2007 monograph, Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record, which considered how ceramic vessels were made, used and stayed in use serving various secondary purposes, before finally being discarded. Peña relied mainly on evidence from Roman Italy, which raises the question of the impact of similar cultural forces on pottery from other periods and places. His work accentuates the need to continue the process of building and developing explicit interpretive models of ceramic life-histories in Mediterranean archaeology.
With a view to beginning to address these challenges, the editors invited a group of specialists in the pottery of Greece and the rest of the Eastern Mediterranean to a colloquium in Athens in June 2008, asking the contributors to recondiser Peña's general models, approaches and examples from their own particular geographic and cultural perspectives.
This publication constitutes the proceedings of this colloquium.
Table of contents
Crafting Spaces: Archaeological, Ethnographic, and Ethnoarchaeological Studies of Spatial Organization in Pottery Workshops in Greece and Tunisia
Producing Pottery vs. Producing Models: Interpreting Workshop Organization at the Potters' Quarter of Sagalassos
Greek Amphorae in the Archaeological Record
Iconographic Evidence for the Handling and Use of Transport Amphorae in the Roman Period
Amphora Fragments Re-used as Potter's Tools in the Rural Landscape of Panskoye
Depositional Patterns and Behavior in the Athenian Agora: When Disaster Strikes
The Waste Stream of a Late Roman House: Case Study of the Commissary Block in the Earthquake House at Kourion
Olympia: Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record
Repair and Recycling in Corinth and the Archaeological Record
Reusing Pottery in the Eastern Desert of Egypt
Mended in Antiquity: Repairs to Ceramics at the Athenian Agora
Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record: Some Follow-Up Comments