Seven Minutes in the Warsaw Ghetto og With Raised Hands
En filmbog og DVD
More about the book
About the book
Seven Minutes in the Warsaw Ghetto is a short puppet film about Samek, an 8-year old Jewish boy living in the Warsaw Ghetto with his family during the Second World War.
The film is written by Richard Raskin, produced by Ellen Riis (Basmati Film) and directed by Johan Oettinger.
The e-book includes a link to and shot-by-shot breakdown of the film, the writer's and director's notes of intention, the original script, and many other resources that can enrich and deepen the reader's understanding of the film.
Also included in the e-book: a link to and shot-by-shot breakdown of Mitko Panov's award winning short film With Raised Hands.
Table of contents
Første del. Ressourcer
I. Seven Minutes in the Warsaw Ghetto
II. Historisk perspektiv
III. With Raised Hands
IV. Kortfilmen som fortælling
Anden del. Opgaver
I. Til umiddelbar overvejelse og diskussion
II. Til undersøgelse og systematisk registrering
III. Til videre arbejde med Holocaust-film
Oversigt over DVD'ens indhold
1. Seven Minutes in the Warsaw Ghetto, Johan Oettinger, 2012, Danmark, 7 min. 48 sek.
2. With Raised Hands, Mitko Panov, 1985, Polen, 6 min. 10 sek.
3. Some Kind of Control, en film om produktionen af Seven Minutes in the Warsaw Ghetto, Christina Martiny Moltke og Jesper Maintz, 2013, Danmark, 13 min. 39 sek.