Son of Spinoza
Georg Brandes and Modern Jewish Cosmopolitanism
A part of the subject areas Literature and Cultural studies
More about the book
About the book
Son of Spinoza sheds light on the interconnectedness between Jewishness and cosmopolitanism in the oeuvre of the Danish-Jewish intellectual Georg Brandes (1842-1927). Today, the historical tradition of interconnecting these concepts has largely been forgotten, although the construction of a somewhat synonymous relation between them became a key structuring element of modern antisemitism and later Nazi ideology. In this context, Georg Brandes–his writing and practice–stands as a crucial European cosmopolitan archive, due to the great influence he enjoyed throughout the European continent.
Son of Spinoza challenges the presentation of Brandes in previous research as a so-called assimilated Jew who distanced himself from Jewishness, instead recognizing Brandes’ own self-identification as a Spinozist cosmopolitan and his depiction of himself and other modern Jews as ‘sons of Spinoza’.
Table of contents
Press reviews
Torben Jelsbak, Information
"Son of Spinoza tilbyder en original og forfriskende nylæsning af Brandes' forfatterskab, som ikke bruger så meget plads på de sædvanlige fortærskede programskrifter fra gennembrudsperioden, men i stedet giver plads for mere oversete tekster.”
Bent Blüdnikow, Berlingske
”En af de vigtige ting ved Søren Blak Hjortshøj bog er, at vi får bragt Brandes ud af en mere snæver dansk kontekst og ind i et europæisk perspektiv, hvilket er berigende. […] Med Søren Blak Hjortshøjs udlægning af Georg Brandes og hans forhold til jødedommen er der lagt op til et nyt spændende perspektiv, der kun kan berige den fortsatte debat.”
Interview: "Deilig å være dansk i Danmark"
Interview: ”Den fremmede”
Artikel: "Den jødiske Brandes"
P1, Tidsånd
Radioudsendelse: "Verden uden Gud"
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