Translating Nations
A part of the subject area Literature
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Edited by
Prem K. Poddar
With contributions by
Meena Alexander,
Caroline Bergvall,
Mahesh Daga,
Hans Hauge,
Lars Jensen,
David Johnson,
Graham MacPhee,
Cheralyn Mealor,
Prem K. Poddar and
Neluka Silva
More about the book
About the book
Translating Nations shows how the latest approaches to postcolonial theory cross traditional disciplinary boundaries and demand their reinterpretation.
Issues addressed in this publication of multicultural studies include the destabilized relationship between cultural 'centres' and 'margins'; the challenge to history writing posed by the rejection of 'grand narratives'; and, now that the violence of earlier cultural identifications has been perceived, the possibilities that exist to reconsider the formation of nationhood and the constitution of the state.
Table of contents
Prem Poddar: Introduction: Violent Civilities
Meena Alexander: An Intimate Violence: Crossing Borders, Making Poems
Graham MacPhee: Europe and Violence: Some Contemporary Reflections on Benjamin's 'Theories of German Fascism'
Neluka Silva: 'Gendering' the Nation: Literary Representations of Contemporary Sri Lankan Politics
Lars Jensen: Territorial Pains or Gains: Writing the Canadian Far North and the Australian Outback
David Johnson: The First Rainbow Nation? The Griqua in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Hans Hauge: South African and Danish Literary History from a Comparative, Personal and an Ethical Point of View
Prem Poddar and Cheralyn Mealor: Danish Imperial Fantasies: Peter Høeg's Miss Smilla's Feeling For Snow
Mahesh Daga: Jati: Translating India
Caroline Bergvall: Performing Writing at the Cross-roads of Languages
Notes on Contributors