Proceedings of the Danish Institute of Athens V
Edited by Erik Hallager Jesper Tae Jensen
298,00 kr. -
Videnskab og Kunst/Science and Art
Edited by Erik Hallager
90,00 kr. -
Chalkis Aitolias I
The prehistoric periods
Edited by Søren Dietz Ioannis Moschos
"The prehistoric periods" is the first volume in a series of publications where the results of the Danish/Greek excavations 1995 to 2001 in Ancient Ch…
280,00 kr. -
Ancient Fishing and Fish Processing in the Black Sea Region
Edited by Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen
(book + e-book)
This volume challenges the orthodox view that fishing and fish played only a marginal role in the economy of the ancient world. In fact, there is arc…
278,00 kr. -
Chronologies of the Black Sea Area
In the period c. 400-100 BC
Edited by Lise Hannestad Vladimir F. Stolba
(book + e-book)
A renewed interest in chronological problems has surfaced in recent years. In this volume deriving from the first international conference of the Dani…
348,00 kr. -
Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean
Edited by Jonas Eiring John Lund
As Peacock and Williams have noted, amphorae provide us "not with an index of the transportation of goods, but with direct witness of the movement of…
448,00 kr. -
Coinage in Roman Egypt
The Hoard Evidence
Durable and iconic, coins are some of the most revealing everyday objects left to us from the ancient world. For the most part, however, they have be…
248,00 kr. -
Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens IV
Edited by Jonas Eiring Jørgen Mejer
This is the fourth volume of the journal of the Danish Institute at Athens with articles in the fields of Greek archaeology, history, philology and li…
298,00 kr. -
Plotinus on Selfhood, Freedom and Politics
(book + e-book)
As the most important philosophical work to emerge in the 700-year period between Aristotle and Augustine, The Enneads has been subject to intense scr…
398,00 kr. -
Album of Armenian Paleography
Edited by Dickran Kouymjian Henning Lehmann Michael E. Stone
The Album of Armenian Paleography provides a comprehensive selection of some 200 definitively dated, handwritten texts, sampled from among the 30,000…
1.900,00 kr. -
Greek Vases in New Contexts
The Collecting and Trading of Greek Vases - An Aspect of the Modern Reception of Antiquity
Ever since 1764, when Johan Winckelmann compared the drawings on them to the work of Renaissance masters, ancient Greek vases have been among antiquit…
398,00 kr. -
Greek Romans and Roman Greeks
Studies in Cultural Interaction
Edited by Erik Nis Ostenfeld
In its first three centuries the Roman Empire expanded politically at the same time as Greek culture was enjoying its heyday. While this created tensi…
298,00 kr.