Jørgen Bruhn
Litteratur mellem medier
Edited by Tore Rye Andersen Jørgen Bruhn Nina Christensen Stefan Kjerkegaard Sara Tanderup Linkis Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen Hans Kristian Rustad
(book + e-book)
329,95 kr. -
The Saturated Sensorium
Principles of Perception and Mediation in the Middle Ages
Edited by Hans Henrik Lohfert Jørgensen Henning Laugerud Laura Katrine Skinnebach
(book + e-book)
The Middle Ages integrated the human senses and unified their media into a culture of saturated sensation. The saturated sensoriùm nurtured prin…
349,95 kr. -
Europe and Its Interior Other(s)
Edited by Helge Vidar Holm Sissel Lægreid Torgeir Skorgen
(book + e-book)
Who were and who are the European Other(s), and how have their socio-cultural circumstances been aesthetically expressed and discussed in works of lit…
199,95 kr. -
Passage 68
Edited by Tore Rye Andersen Johanne Helbo Bøndergaard Sara Tanderup
120,00 kr. -
The Borders of Europe
Hegemony, Aesthetics and Border Poetics
Edited by Helge Vidar Holm Sissel Lægreid Torgeir Skorgen
(book + e-book)
Just like national identities, European identity may be viewed as an imagined community, constituted by different levels of inclusion and exclusion al…
299,95 kr.