Iben Have
(book + e-book)
In Calm, sound and media researcher Iben Have explores how to cultivate a feeling of calm using digital technologies, sound, routines, and mindfulness…
59,95 kr. -
Tænkepauser 73-84
Tænkeboks 7
499,95 kr. -
Passage 83
Edited by Sara Tanderup Linkis Julia Pennlert Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen
120,00 kr. -
(book + e-book)
59,95 kr. -
Tunes for All?
Music on Danish Radio
Edited by Morten Michelsen Steen Kaargaard Nielsen Mads Krogh Iben Have
(book + e-book)
For almost a century, music on the radio has been an important part of Danish music culture. Tunes for All? Music on Danish Radio presents the many w…
299,95 kr. -
Stil nu ind ...
Danmarks Radio og musikken
Edited by Morten Michelsen Iben Have Anja Mølle Lindelof Charlotte Rørdam Larsen Henrik Smith-Sivertsen
(book + e-book)
299,95 kr. -
Lyt til tv
Underlægningsmusik som kommunikativ form
(book + e-book)
278,00 kr. -
Danish Yearbook of Musicology
Vol. 35. 2007
Edited by Michael Fjeldsøe Thomas Holme Hansen
100,00 kr.