Anne Pedersen
Horse and Rider in the late Viking Age
Equestrian burial in perspective
(book + e-book)
Papers from a conference Skanderborg 27-28th of June 2019 An equestrian burial from the 10th century with an exceptionally elaborate horse harness was…
399,95 kr. -
Den sete kirke
Festskrift til Carsten Bach-Nielsen
Edited by Mattias Skat Sommer Nils Arne Pedersen Jette Bendixen Rønkilde Rasmus H.C. Dreyer Svend Erik Mathiassen Anne Pedersen
(book + e-book)
369,95 kr. -
Viking encounters
Proceedings of the Eighteenth Viking Congress
Edited by Anne Pedersen Søren M. Sindbæk
(book + e-book)
649,95 kr. -
The Viking-Age settlement and fortress
Edited by Else Roesdahl Søren Michael Sindbæk Anne Pedersen David M. Wilson
Aggersborg is the largest of the Danish circular fortresses of the Viking Age. Built by the king, Harald Bluetooth, in the second half of the tenth ce…
450,00 kr. -
Aggersborg i vikingetiden
Bebyggelsen og borgen
Edited by Else Roesdahl Søren Michael Sindbæk Anne Pedersen
450,00 kr. -
Vor Frue Kloster
Et benediktinernonnekloster i Randers
348,00 kr. -
KUML 1997-98
Årbog for Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab
Edited by Jesper Laursen Hans Jørgen Madsen
200,00 kr. -
Burial and Society
The Chronological and Social Analysis of Archaeological Burial Data
Edited by Claus Jensen Karen Høilund Nielsen
Archaeology today recognizes research in burials for its unique, highly informative, broad portrait of a society: the evidence which graves provide ca…
238,00 kr.