Jakob Steensig
Dansk i samspil
Edited by Ebba Hjorth Henrik Galberg Jacobsen Bent Jørgensen Birgitte Jacobsen Merete Korvenius Jørgensen Laurids Kristian Fahl
399,95 kr. -
Det skjulte Århus
Edited by Lise Hannestad Hans Krongaard Kristensen Poul Pedersen Jakob Steensig
100,00 kr. -
Sprog i virkeligheden
Bidrag til en interaktionel lingvistik
348,00 kr. -
Multilingual Behavior in Youth Groups
Scandinavian studies in the simultaneous use of two or more languages in group conversations among children and adolescents
Edited by J.N. Jørgensen
CONTENTS J.N. Jørgensen: Multilingual Behavior in Youth Groups Jakob Cromdal: Bilingual text production as task and resource: Social interacti…
108,00 kr. -
Det er conversation 801 Degil Mi?
Perspectives on the Bilingualism of Turkish Speaking Children and Adolescents in North Western Europe
Edited by A. Holmen J.N. Jørgensen
With the publication of this volume we present some of the invaluable help which we have received from distinguished colleagues in our attempt to anal…
108,00 kr. -
Om sproget i brug
58,00 kr. -
Grammatisk beskrivelse
58,00 kr.