Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Andelsbevægelsens natur


A part of the series 100 danmarkshistorier (88) , and the subject area

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100 pages
ISBN 978 87 7597 314 9



More about the book

Thomas Oldrup

IMG 8503

MA in History and Rhetoric. Thomas is responsible for the company’s historical publications and he primarily works with the project 100 danmarkshistorier [Focus on Danish History], which in addition to book publications includes knowledge dissemination through a number of partners. He has previously been the Danish editor of the magazine Alt om Historie.

Thomas Oldrup


Telephone: +45 53 55 01 59


Press reviews

Arne Hardis, Weekendavisen
"Denne lille vellykkede bog om andelsbevægelsens historie indskriver sig i et tidehverv eller i hvert fald i et karakteristikum i tiden, hvor landbruget synes at tabe sympatikapital med en hast, som når bunden går ud af en sæk hvede."

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