Byzantine Chant
Tradition and Reform. Acts of a Meeting held at the Danish Institute at Athens, 1993
A part of the series Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens (2) , and the subject area Music
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Edited by
Christian Troelsgård
With contributions by
Antonios E. Alygizakis,
Lycourgos A. Angelopoulos,
George Armargianakis,
Ioannis Arvanitis,
Achilleas G. Chaldeakis,
M.Ph. Dragoumis,
Marios D. Mavroïdis,
Panagiotes Ch. Panagiotides,
Ioannis Papathanassiou,
Jørgen Raasted,
Gr.Th. Stathis and
Christian Troelsgård
More about the book
About the book
The contributors to this volume about Byzantine chant use different approaches to uncover the early development and transmission of the tradition, its constancy and permutations. Considerations include a recent attempt to establish a new date for the "Round notation", one of the earliest transcriptions, and an ethnomusicological study of a religious chant from the island of Zakynthos that may provide clues to specific features of medieval Byzantine intonations.
Other articles deal with aspects of Byzantine chants from the 12th century, through the fall of the Empire in 1453 and into the 20th century. Musical examples throughout the text underscore the authors' theories and illuminate the beauty of the medium.
Table of contents
Contents list in excerpts:
Foreword, Christian Troelsgård
Koukouzeles' Stricherarion, Jørgen Raasted
The Interpretation of the Old Sticherarion, George Amargianakis
The musical notation of the Sticherarion MS Vat. Barb. gr. 483, Ioannis Papathanassiou
The Development of a Didactic Poem, Christian Troelsgård
Summary: A case of survival of 13th-14th century melodic traits in an Easter chant from the island of Zakynthos, Markos Ph. Dragoumis
Some Byzantine Chironomic survivals in the tradition of Balkan Church Music: The case of Roumanian Orthodox Chant, Marios D. Mavroïdis
The "Exegesis" of Chourmouzios Hartofylax on certain compositions by Ioannis Koukouzelis, Lycourgos Ant. Angelopoulos
A way to the Transcription of Old Byzantine Chant by means of Written and Oral Tradition, Ioannis Arvanitis
Interpretation of Tones and Modes in Theoretical Handbooks of the 15th century, Antonios E. Alygizakis
Appendix: English translation of the 'Interpretation of the Tones and Modes' from MS Athos Dionysiou 570, Antonios E. Alygizakis
The Musical use of the Psalter in the 14th and 15th centuries, Panagiotes Ch. Panagiotides
Summary: The setting of verses for the Polyeleos from the maistor Ioannis Koukouzeles, Achilleas G. Chaldeakis
Summary: Ioannes Koukouzeles' "Method of Theseis" and its Application, Gr. Th. Stathis