The Castellani Fragments in the Villa Giulia
Athenian Black Figure, Vol. 1
A part of the subject area Archaeology (classical)
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Table of contents
Horse-head amphorae (nos. 1.6)
SOS-amphorae (nos. 7-8)
Nikosthenic amphorae (nos. 9-10)
Panathenaic amphorae (nos. 11-16)
Neck amphorae (nos. 17-39)
Belly amphorae (nos. 40-59)
Amphorae unsp. (nos. 60-68)
Lekythoi (nos. 69-81)
Jugs (nos. 82-104)
Craters (nos. 106-107)
Dinos (no. 108)
Hydriai (nos. 109-117)
Fragments of vases of unindentified shapes (nos. 118-270)
List of correspondance of registration numbers and catalogue numbers
List of vase painters