Dynamics of Northern Societies
Proceedings of the SILA/NABO Conference on Arctic and North Atlantic Archaeology
A part of the subject areas Arctic studies and Archaeology
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Edited by
Jette Arneborg and
Bjarne Grønnow
With contributions by
James Adovasio,
Oscar Aldred,
Colin Amundsen,
Martin Appelt,
Jette Arneborg,
Steven P. Ashby,
Joel Berglund,
Douglas M. Borthwick,
Jacques Chabot,
Mike J. Church,
Gordon Cook,
Julia Elise Cussans,
Charlotte Damm,
Christyann M. Darwent,
Peter C. Dawson,
Pierre M. Desrosiers,
Marie-Michelle Dionne,
Andrew Dugmore,
Kevin J. Edwards,
Lotte Eigeland,
Árni Einarsson,
Egill Erlendsson,
William W. Fitzhugh,
T. Max Friesen,
Louis Gagnon,
Frederick J. Gathorne-Hardy,
Daniel Gendron,
Bjarne Grønnow,
Hans Christian Gulløv,
Jørn Henriksen,
Einar Lund Jensen,
Jens Fog Jensen,
Richard Jordan,
Yekaterina Krivogorskaya,
Igor Krupnik,
Dosia Laeyendecker,
Amélie Langlais,
Ian Lawson,
Richard M. Levy,
Kerry-Anne Mairs,
Owen K. Mason,
Tom McGovern,
Elin Myrvoll,
Anthony J. Newton,
Bjørnar Olsen,
Gudmundur Ólafsson,
Sophia Perdikaris,
Noura Rahmani,
Klavs Randsborg,
Lisa Rankin,
Angela Z. Redmond,
M.A.P. Renouf,
Joëlle Robert-Lamblin,
Kevin P. Smith,
Brit Solli,
Lori Squires,
Gudrún Sveinbjarnardóttir,
Mikkel Sørensen and
Orri Vesteinsson
More about the book
About the book
The prehistory and early history of northern societies - from the Palaeo-Eskimo pioneers to the Viking Norse Settlers - is unfolding through archaeological and historical research and through interdisciplinary studies including natural sciences. The more insight that we have gained on Arctic and North Atlantic archaeology the more we have realized how diverse and dynamic these societies were and how complex their histories are.
The proceedings of the conference represent selected and peer-reviewed papers from sessions dealing with: New approaches to dynamic analysis of Palaeo-Eskimo artefacts; Interaction with the environment; Dynamics of small scale societies; Architecture and social organization of space in Palaeo-Eskimo and Inuit contexts; Origins and spread of the Palaeo-Eskimo and Inuit cultures; Demography, death and burials; Living with things; Trade and exchange; and Focal places.