Mavefornemmelser og mikrobiologi
A part of the series ScienceFaction (4) , and the subject area Natural science
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Table of contents
Maria Schaldemose Kristensen

MA in History of Ideas with a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a master’s degree in Rhetoric and Communication. Maria is responsible for the company’s scientific publications and especially the development of the series ScienceFaction. She previously worked with communication management, strategy and education. Before she came to the company, Maria worked at Energimuseet and as a high school teacher.
Press reviews
Mie Stage, Ingeniøren
"I bogen 'Mavefornemmelser og mikrobiologi', som er en del af Aarhus Universitetsforlags bogserie ScienceFaction, sætter Tine Rask Licht os i letforståelige termer ind i tarmens forunderlige beboere. (...)"
Vildt Naturligt, DR Lyd
Radioudsendelse: "Mavens mysterier"
Aktuel Naturvidenskab, nr 3, 2024
Omtale: "Mavefornemmelser og mikrobiologi"
Interview: "Ny bog om tarmens bakterier"
Artikel: "Hvilke bakterier er tarmens bedste venner?"