Naturlig læring
A part of the series Asterisk (13) , and the subject area Pedagogics
More about the book
Cecilie Harrits

MA in literature and art history and a trained teacher with main subjects in Danish and special education. Cecilie’s responsibilities are pedagogy, education and psychology as well as literature and art history. She leads the series Pædagogisk rækkevidde and manages several collaborations between the publishing house and art and culture institutions. Cecilie is committed to sustainable book production and green transition in the publishing industry.
Press reviews
Christina Krolmer, Fagbladet Folkeskolen
”Som lærer får du med denne bog: God forskningsbaseret viden, konkrete praksiseksempler og inspiration til at komme i gang, når emnet er naturlig læring.”
Link til anmeldelsen her: https://www.folkeskolen.dk/623623/rigtigt-gode-argumenter-for-naturlig-laering
P1, Kulturen på P1
Radioudsendelse: "Ny klage over ledelsen på stort kunstmuseum"