Other Americans, Other Americas
The Politics and Poetics of Multiculturalism
A part of the series The Dolphin (28) , and the subject area Literature (English Language)
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Edited by
Magdalena Zaborowska
With contributions by
Laura Browder,
Carol Colatrella,
David Cowart,
Russell Duncan,
Ib Johansen,
Clara Juncker,
Bruce Leslie,
Graham McPhee,
Prem K. Poddar,
Helle Porsdam,
Nicholas F. Radel,
Magdalena Zaborowska and
Da Zheng
More about the book
About the book
This volume brings together international scholars of American Studies whose work explores the issues of ethnicity, race, gender, national, and cross-cultural identity in American literature and culture. The ramifications of this discussion go far beyond the borders of North America; in our era of European consolidation and global communications, even the seemingly most homogeneous of national literatures find themselves at last responding to and acknowledging external cultural influences.
With articles ranging from an examination of early colonial texts through postcolonial theory to a theoretical discussion of Michael Wigglesworth's Diaries and the latest work of Maya Angelou, Other Americans, Other Americas will appeal to a wide academic audience as a significant contribution to the latest scholarship in the field of multicultural studies.
Table of contents
Introduction: Making a Virtue of Dissent
Prem Poddar, Scopic America: Casting a Postcolonial Eye
Nicholas F. Radel, A Sodom Within: Gender, Sex, and Sodomy in the Diary of Michael Wigglesworth
Carol Colatrella, 'I Hear America Singing': Multiple Voices in Herman Melville's Moby-Dick
Bruce Leslie, German Americans: A Case Study of Cultural Assimilation
Laura Browder, Self-Made Jews: The Immigrant's Answer to Horatio Alger
Graham McPhee, Lines of Descent: Frank O'Hara, Wanda Coleman and the Recollection of Tradition
Magdalena J. Zaborowska, Mapping American Masculinities: James Baldwin's Innocents Abroad, or Giovanni's Room Revisited
Clara Juncker, The Body of Autobiography: Maya Angelou's Wouldn't Take Nothing for my Journey Now
David Cowart, Braid of Blood: A Yellow Raft in Blue Water
Russell Duncan, Dancing Along the Edge of the Roof: Complexions of Indian Identity in the (Auto)Biographies of Wilma Mankiller and Russel Means
Da Zheng, 'I Will Sing with You Our Song': Cultural Representations of Asian Americans
Helle Porsdam, Anxieties of Manhood and the Politics of Cultural Identity in William Gaddis's A Frolic of His Own
Ib Johansen, Ishmael Reed, Multiculturalism, and the Collapse of Paternal Laws
Notes on the Contributors