Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Panskoye I

1. The monumental building U6

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559 pages ill., Part 1: Text, Part 2: Plates
ISBN 87 7288 770 2

Edited by
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With contributions by
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More about the book

About the book

This is the first volume of the complete publication of Panskoye I, a rural settlement in Northwestern Crimea dating from the period c. 400-270 BC. The settlement was founded by Olbia, the most important Greek city on the northern shores of the Black Sea. Half a century later the fortress was destroyed and the settlement taken over by another Greek city, Chersonesos Taurica. From then on and until its final destruction it formed part of the chora (territory) of this city.

The first volume of Panskoye I reports the results of research into a monumental building (U6), which was erected after the takeover by the city of Chersonesos, and details the very varied and rich finds such as sculpture, pottery, lamps, terracottas, coins, metals, stone and glass objects, and graffiti, excavated here. The architecture and layout of the building is studied in detail, and the results of a number of scientific studies, such as geological, palaeo-botanical and petrographic analyses are also included. The Introduction presents the large-scale survey of Northwestern Crimea which began in 1959, of which the excavations of Panskoye I (1964-94) form a central part.

This publication offers an extraordinary insight into two important issues in ancient history and classical archaeology, a Greek city's exploitation of its territory and of the interaction between Greek settlers and local tribes, in this case the Scythians and the Taurians. The volume is the first of three. Volume 2 will deal with the necropolis of the settlement, and volume 3 with the earliest fortress.

Table of contents

Vol. 1: Text:


Introduction by Alexander N. Sceglov

Part I:
Monumental Building U6 by Alexander N. Sceglov

Part II:
Tiles and Ceramic Containers by Vladimir I. Kac, Sergei Yu. Monachov, Vladimir F. Stolba, Alexander N. Sceglov
Black-Glazed, Red-Figure, and Grey Ware Pottery by Lise Hannestad, Vladimir F. Stolba, Helene Blinkenberg Hastrup
Commonware by Sergei V. Kasaev
Handmade Pottery by Vladimir F. Stolba
Lamps by Lise Hannestad
Terracottas by Lise Hannestad
Cult Sculpture, Altars, Sacred Vessels and Votives by Alexander N. Sceglov
Graffiti and Dipinti by Vladimir F. Stolba
Coins by Anna M. Gilevic
Metal Objects by Eugenii Ya. Rogov
Stone Objects by Eugenii Ya. Rogov
Ceramic Objects by Eugenii Ya. Rogov
Glass Objects by Eugenii Ya. Rogov
Bone Objects by Eugenii Ya. Rogov
Conclusion by Lise Hannestad, Vladimir F. Stolba, Alexander Sceglov

Appendices I-V:
I. Archaeological, Palaeogeographic, and Geomorphological Researches in the Lake Sasyk (Panskoye) Region by Nikolai S. Blagovolin, Alexander N. Sceglov
II. Petrographic Analysis of Stamped Amphorae by Alexander N. Sceglov, Natalya B. Selivanova
III. Petrophysical Study of the Handmade Pottery by Gennadii M. Kovnurko
IV. Palaeoethnobotanical Material by Zoya V. Janusevic, Alexander N. Sceglov
V. Osseous Remains by Aleksei K. Kasparov
Epigraphical Index
Geographical Index

Vol. 1: Plates

List of Plates
Part I
Part II

Press reviews

Alla Bujskikh Gnomon

"This publication has been awaited for many years by a large number of scholars ... The aim of the editors - to present the whole volume of findings from the fully excavated unique building complex has been realized completely. I would like to wish the editors success in finishing the next two volumes in the same accomplished manner."

Gocha R. Tsetskhladze Ancient West & East

"... a fine, large-format publication on art paper ... The illustrations are exceptionally fine and of high quality. They not merely help one to follow the discussion but provide a very clear idea about the site itself. They demonstrate the soundness of the methodology used to investigate the site ... Without doubt, the excellent technical facilities of Aarhus University press and a large grant from the Danish National Research Foundation have combined to make this an exemplary production. We keenly await the rest of the series.

Dr. Sven Conrad Archaeologia Bulgarica

"... kann als Glückfall für dieSchwartz-meer-Archäologie bezeichnet werden, und man darf auf die weiteren Bände gespannt sein. Sowohl der interdisziplinäre Forschungsansatz als auch die Realisierung der Publikation ... können als beispielhaften gelten."

Jochen Fornasier Bonner Jahrbücher 

"Durch die vorgestellte Thematik, die ansprechende Prästation sowie die ... gute Quälität der Beiträge sowie der Abbildung ist diese Publikation ein grundlegender Beitrag zur Archäologie des nördlichen Schwartzmeers im Allgemeinen sowie zur archäologisch-historischen Forschung der Chora von Chersonesos im Speziellen und bietet eine fundierte Diskussionsbasis für verschiedene Bereiche innerhalb der Altertumswissenschaften. Es steht zu hoffen, dass die noch ausstehenden Bänder über Panskoye 1 ein vergleichbar hohes Niveau erreichen werden."

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