Petras, Siteia.
The Pre- and Proto-palatial cemetery in context
A part of the series Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens (21) , and the subject area Archaeology
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Edited by
Metaxia Tsipopoulou
With contributions by
Philip P. Betancourt,
Thomas M. Brogan,
Katerina Boukala-Karkagianni,
Gerald Cadogan,
Miriam G. Clinton,
Isabelle Crevecoeur,
Heidi M. Dierckx,
Susan C. Ferrence,
Alessandra Giumlia-Mair,
Donal C. Haggis,
Valasia Isaakidou,
Cristina Ichim,
Carl Knappett,
Olga Krzyszkowska, Olga,
Sotiria Kiorpe,
Garifalia Kostopoulou,
Colin F. Macdonald,
James D. Muhly,
Evi Margaritis,
Eleni Nodarou,
Efthymia Nikita,
Yiannis Papadatos,
Diamantis Panagiotopoulos,
Lefteris Platon,
Adrianos Psychas,
David W. Rupp,
Maria Relaki,
Anne Simandiraki-Grimshaw,
Aurore Schmitt,
Ilse Schoep,
Tatiana Theodoropoulou,
Sevasti Triantaphyllou,
Metaxia Tsipopoulou,
Peter Tomkins,
Maria Tsiboukaki,
Christina Tsoraki and
Giorgos Vavouranakis
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About the book
The second conference report on the archaeological site of Petras, Siteia concerns the progress of research conducted about the very important and extensive cemetery of the Pre- and Proto-palatial periods in eastern Crete - one of very few excavations started in Crete in the 21st century. An international group of specialists present and discuss various aspects of the remains of thelarge, unplundered cemetery and the adjacent settlements traces and in contextualizing the cemetery they try to understand it in the historical, economic and political framework of Pre- and Proto-palatial Crete in general, and Eastern Crete in particular.