Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens IV
A part of the series Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens , and the subject area Classical studies
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Edited by
Jonas Eiring and
Jørgen Mejer
With contributions by
Doug Al-Maini,
Georgia Alexopoulou,
Anne Marie Carstens,
Søren Dietz,
Jonas Eiring,
Sanne Houby-Nielsen,
Marie-Louise Jørkov,
Lazaros Kolonas,
Birte Lundgreen,
Jørgen Mejer and
Ioannis Moschos
More about the book
About the book
This is the fourth volume of the journal of the Danish Institute at Athens with articles in the fields of Greek archaeology, history, philology and literature.
The present volume contains two philological articles: Alkibiades and The Phaedrus: The Politics of the Appetites by Doug Al-Maini, and The Platonic Corpus in Antiquity by Jørgen Mejer.
Birte Lundgreen's article, Use and Abuse of Athena in Roman Imperial Portraiture: The Case of Julia Domna, discusses the uses of Imperial Roman portraiture, particularly in the eastern provinces.
Anne Marie Carstens has investigated Rock-Cut Tombs in the Halikarnassos Peninsula in Asia Minor and highlights the regional character of burial customs in the Classical and Hellenistic periods.
Death in Aetolia: The Hellenistic Graves at Aetolian Chalkis by Jonas Eiring also draws attention to the regionality of burial customs with examples from Western Greece. The article includes the publication of a multiple-burial, Early Hellenistic tomb in Aetolian Chalkis.
From the same site, and in continuation of the reports published in Proceedings II and III, Greek-Danish Excavations in Aetolian Chalkis 1999-2001: Third Preliminary Report covers the three final seasons of the excavations at this site on the northern shore of the Gulf of Patras.
A general account of the results of excavations, by Sanne Houby-Nielsen and Ioannis Moschos, is followed by the second article on the coins from the site, by Georgia Alexopoulou, and a detailed discussion of the shellfish found on site, by Kaj Strand Pedersen.
It also contains a report by Efy Saranti on a Middle- and Late Helladic site in the nearby village of Gavrolimni, as well as an account of the Stone Age remains in the cave of Hagios Nikolaos by Lasse Sørensen.
Table of contents
Alkibiades and the Phaedrus: The Politics of the Appetites, Doug Al-Maini
The Platonic Corpus in Antiquity, Jørgen Mejer
Rock-Cut Tombs iin the Halikarnassos Peninsula, Anne Marie Carstens
Use and Abuse of Athena in Roman Imperial Portraiture: The Case of Julia Domna, Birte Lundgreen
Death in Aetolia: The Hellenistic Graves at Aetolian Chalkis, Jonas Eiring with contributions by Georgia Alexopoulou and Marie-Louise Jørkov
Greek-Danish Excavations in Aetolian Chalkis 1999-2001: Third Preliminary Report, Edited by Søren Dietz, Lazaros Kolonas, Sanne Houby-Nielsen, Ioannis Moschos and Jonas Eiring