Terror og film
A part of the subject areas Drama and Social sciences
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Edited by
Carsten Bagge Laustsen and
Kasper Vandborg Rasmussen
With contributions by
Ditte Bak,
Sarah Rosenkrands Witzel Bech,
Martin Bæk Carstensen,
Marc Grønlund,
Thor Hvidbak,
Anders Hyldig,
Rasmus Ugilt Holten Jensen,
Lone Juul Jepsen,
Carsten Bagge Laustsen,
Jonas Greve Lysgaard and
Otto Toft Ohrt
More about the book
Press reviews
Benny Jacobsen Gymnasieskolen
"... antologiens forfattere er i stand til at argumentere overbevisende for koblingen mellem seriøs analyse af konsekvenser af terror og (underholdnings-)film."