The Taste for Knowledge
Medical anthropology facing medical realities
A part of the subject area Anthropology
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Edited by
Sylvie Fainzang,
Hans Einar Hem and
Mette Bech Risør
With contributions by
Rikke Sand Andersen,
Mabel Gracia Arnaiz,
Joseph M. Comelles,
Els van Dongen,
Sylvie Fainzang,
Rose-Anna Foley,
Sylvie Fortin,
Sjaak van der Geest,
Hans Einar Hem,
Arne T. Høstmark,
Helle Johannessen,
Francois Kaech,
Lina Masana,
Arantza Meñaca,
Anne-Lise Middelthon,
Kåre Moen,
Yannis Papadaniel,
Mette Bech Risør and
Ilario Rossi
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About the book
The Taste for Knowledge: Medical anthropology facing medical realities demonstrates how medical anthropology is becoming increasingly important in the fields of medical research and public health.
The taste for knowledge is precisely what readers of this book will come to share with the authors, who examine some of the major issues in medical anthropology today. In this volume, a group of international researchers reflect, for example, on the way anthropology faces and deals with interdisciplinarity in its encounter with medicine and doctors; the new medical realities and patient strategies that exist in changing medical systems; and the interactions between practice, power and science.
The book will not only appeal to clinicians/practitioners, anthropologists in general and all those engaged in the interface between medicine and anthropology, but will also be a valuable tool for students of medicine and anthropology who have a special interest in the social realities and interdisciplinarity of health and illness.