Middelalderens rurale Danmark IV
Edited by Mette Svart Kristiansen Mette Klingenberg
(book + e-book)
249,95 kr. -
Continuity and Change
The development of Neolithic societies in central East Jutland, Denmark
(book + e-book)
Based on the extensive collection and systematic analysis of data from a limited area in the eastern part of the Jutland peninsula in Denmark, this bo…
499,95 kr. -
Viking Dynasties
The Royal Families of Lejre and Uppsala Between Archaeology and Text
Edited by Tom Christensen Neil Price John Ljungkvist
(book + e-book)
The royal sites of Lejre and Gamla Uppsala loom large in Nordic history and folklore, as aristocratic power centres founded by descendants of the gods…
499,95 kr. -
Failaka/Dilmun. The Second Millennium Settlements. Volume 6
Copper, Cuneiform Inscriptions and Other Finds
Edited by Flemming Højlund
Excavations in 1958-1963 of two tells on the island of Failaka in Kuwait, Tell F3 and Tell F6, uncovered a small Dilmun community from the second mill…
300,00 kr. -
Megaliths and rituals at Tustrup, Denmark
(book + e-book)
The complex of megaliths near Tustrup is a prime example of the megalithic sites used by early farming communities in Stone Age Europe. Excavated in t…
499,00 kr. -
Franciskanerklostret i Svendborg
(book + e-book)
349,00 kr. -
Northern Emporium
Vol. 2 The networks of Viking-age Ribe
Edited by Søren M. Sindbæk
(book + e-book)
This is the second and final volume presenting the results of the Northern Emporium research project and the high-definition excavations carried out w…
499,00 kr. -
Landskaber og strategier. Sociale miljøer og identitet
Middelalderens rurale Danmark 3
Edited by Mette Svart Kristiansen Morten Søvsø Anders Hartvig
(book + e-book)
200,00 kr. -
Danish Archaeological Investigations on Failaka, Kuwait, Failaka/Dilmun. The Second Millennium Settlements
Volume 5 The Beads
(book + e-book)
Excavations in 1958-1963 on the island of Failaka in Kuwait uncovered a small community of Dilmun traders from the second millennium BC. Prominent amo…
150,00 kr. -
Northern Emporium
Vol. 1 The making of Viking-age Ribe
Edited by Søren M. Sindbæk
(book + e-book)
In the early Middle Ages, a network of maritime trading towns – emporia – emerged along the northern coasts of Europe. These early urban sites are amo…
499,00 kr. -
Tell F3 on Failaka Island
Kuwaiti-Danish Excavations 2012-2017
Six years of excavations in Tell F3 have uncovered several occupation phases belonging to the middle of the 2nd millennium BC, Failaka period 3B (c. 1…
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Landbebyggelsens struktur
Middelalderens rurale Danmark 2
Edited by Mette Svart Kristiansen Lars Christian Bentsen
(book + e-book)
200,00 kr.