Mette Frisk Jensen
A History of Denmark from the Viking Age to the 21st Century
Edited by Mary Hilson Bjørn Poulsen Thorsten Borring Olesen
(book + e-book)
Beginning with the emergence of a Danish kingdom during the Viking Age, this book provides an introduction to the history of Denmark as a political en…
499,95 kr. -
En danmarkshistorie
Fra vikingetid til nutid
Edited by Thorsten Borring Olesen Bjørn Poulsen
(book + e-book)
349,95 kr. -
(book + e-book)
Corruption is a profoundly destructive force around the world, but why does its extent vary drastically among countries? In Corruption, Mette Frisk Je…
49,95 kr. -
Korruption (på kinesisk)
(book + e-book)
49,95 kr. -
Tænkepauser 25-36
Tænkeboks 3
499,95 kr. -
(book + e-book)
59,95 kr. -
Danmark bliver Danmark
Krig, damp og genier i 1800-tallet
(book + e-book)
169,95 kr.